
Hundreds of millions of dollars, as opposed to the hundreds of TRILLION dollars that oil companies have in their slush funds.

Actually, we do have the technology to measure temperature 8 thousand (and more) years ago. You can tell by environmental information kept in ice cores in the arctic and the like. And yes, it would have happened eventually if we were not here, the key term there is eventually. Human's effects on the climate have

Sssshhhhhh! You're giving the whole game away! Jeez!


You say that, but this Batman could still have plenty of gadgets. A compressed-air grapple gun (You know, like how it's described in Batman Begins) would still work just fine, albeit using compressed air cartridges filled from a steam-driven compressor back at the batcave (Which would add an interesting limitation to

Well, the huge public beta of Win7 made it one of the best OS' of recent times (Yes, I went there). So a nice open Beta of Win 8 (Of which I am currently running the Dev Preview) certainly can't hurt.

What part of "were sent during slow caution laps" do you not understand? And even if they were during a Red Flag, what the hell was he doing with a phone in the cockpit of his car anyway? "Can everyone slow down for a second, I need to take a call!"

I don't know about you, but to me that image looks as though it's taken from inside the car.

My greatest weakness? Answering trite, worn-out and cliched interview questions, like "What's your greatest weakness".

Yes, there was a mistake in YouTube's system. RumbleFish were then contacted about it, and responded that they had reviewed the recording, and it did indeed contain a "Musical Composition" of theirs, a blatant lie.

So WMG were saying they own the copyright on meaningless noise? Given their current output, I'd have to say they've got a point...

No, but XBMC is. [www.raspberrypi.org] And it is also running Debian and Fedora, no command-line needed.

"However, Andorid may soon be getting its own exclusive feature". Andorid? Don't you mean Android? #corrections

For the aforementioned elephant in the room, perhaps? Or Mythbusters - You know their mantra "When in doubt, more lube!"

Unfortunately, I think that several of these plot twists and turns had to be stripped due to budgetary, chronological and perspective issues - How exactly do you have 3 long scenes of an "android" (that looks very human) in a desert, with no dialogue and no real exposition to justify it. And that's just one example,

Meh. We get ours from the local farm supply place. If they carry things for cattle, they carry syringes, penicillin, needles and more, in sizes from 1cc to 2 litres.

Americans, unfortunately. They seem to think that some arbitrary measure ("Proof") is better than percentage by volume (What the rest of the civilised and uncivilised world uses). And, damn it, I've spelled "Civilised" right there, you stupid spell-check!

Indeed. Fuck you and your blended "Whisky". Give me a nice Islay malt anytime.