
I think the difference probably has to do with the fact that in a C-section, they cut the wall of the uterus itself open, along with the abdominal wall. I’m not sure how exactly they sew in the transplanted uterus, but I can’t see any reason not to keep it and the cervix intact.

Can we please stop treating adoption like a consolation prize? Apologies in advance if this isn’t completely coherent; I’m currently exhauseted but this is important to me. Nobody ever judges fertile people for choosing to add to the population instead of giving homes to waiting kids. That is solely the moral

Aquamarine is so, so pretty!

I agree! My husband’s wedding ring has a grey star sapphire in it. My engagement ring has a blue sapphire and I love it, but it would definitely be even more awesome with a starburst. We had our wedding bands made from a slice of meteorite, so, aside from being beautiful, a star sapphire also just seemed like an


I am not sure how I feel about having wood/bamboo that close to heating elements - owning this would probably revoke my right to tease my Mom about her late toaster-oven cozy. Also, it disturbs that there doesn’t seem to be any insulation between the heating elements and the outside. I am too accident-prone to own

...one way being with a gun.

“dye” cracked me up!

the idea of experiencing this has filled me with nope. So much nope. I’m sorry your dentist is a monster.

This might be a good place to ask for recommended reading for updating my understanding of gender. I deeply believe in the need to support trans people’s rights. I know that funding gender confirming surgeries saves lives. I get that referring to people by the names and pronouns they identify with is a matter of basic

Huh. Apparently I didn’t spend enough time playing Jenga growing up. I thought the secret to a quality Jenga set was precise milling to make sure all the blocks were the same.

I was ready to be conflicted about this, because product of their times, good and evil do not negate each other, people are complex tapestries and everyone we raise up will have threads of their lives we should also condemn (except Mister Rogers), but then I got to the part about refusing to even keep families

Sh hopes you like her “support”?!

It doesn’t fit qny of your categories, being fiction which is neither new nor classic, but I really loved A Spot Of Bother by Mark Haddon, if you haven’t read/listened to it yet. Funny and serious and entertaining and touching.

It is so hard being the one who’s watching, wanting to help. I am so sorry she is going through this and sorry you are too. My only advice is to start shoring up your own reserves and support network, and to resolve right now not to feel guilty about needing care from others as you try to be there for her.

Does he trust his doctor? ‘Cause if this is a major personality change, looking for medical reasons is where my mind would go. Well, my first instinct would be a psychologist, but I can imagine how well that wouldnt go over. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with this.

The loss of the person is what makes this a tragedy, but I also selfishly wonder what else the world has lost without her future, what she might have done and created.

I can’t stop thinking about the people in the windows. I hope they got away, and that that information eventually makes its way to the media.

Thank you for being “that guy” so I don’t have to!

I’m sorry about your Nana.