
In Canada, numbers are ten digits long. In my home province, we only had to dial seven digits for local numbers until recently. The first three of ten are the area code. My whole province is the same area code. When I was little, the next three digits would be specific to the town you were calling. Then they started

...is this a real thing? Are there places where you can have a phone number longer than 10 digits? And you can tell whether a number belongs to a cell phone or a landline?

Dilled havarti and tomatoes on pumpernickel with garlic butter.

I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was a pretty incredible woman.

My dog-trainer friend’s business is likely not in your area, but has a website full of fantastic free advice(https://wagthedog.ca/blog/page/10/). She knew she wanted to be a trainer her whole life, and got a university degree in psychology and then went back to school to become a licensed vet tech. She spent years

I am torn on what I think should happen with the surviving children. By all accounts, the parents are loving idiots who dote on their children. The children are attached and presumably feel secure and love their parents. When they’re not sick, their needs are being well met, other than their needs to be exposed to

Updated: Collette was sentenced to three months of house arrest, not jailtime. Their other children will remain in the home but be require to see a doctor every three months. There is an exception in the house arrest for her to attend church.

I’m so sorry.

““His eyes fixed,” said Hill, and attributed the fact that she was looking at his face to subsequently recognize that something was amiss.”

This also sounds lovely. :)

Well, good on you for protecting those two.

Ha! I spent longer than I should probably admit being impressed that you lived on a boat before figuring out you didn’t mean that kind of deck.

My last dog used to constantly pull down the couch cushions to hump them when he was a puppy. He grew out of it, thankfully.

So sorry. I find it hard to imagine a level of benefits for teachers I would consider too much.

I sort of had the same reaction, yet I know if I’d been in their shoes, I’d be o hopped up on adrenaline and righteous anger, I’d want to shout it from the rooftops.

Glad the kids didn’t go with him, but did anyone get a license plate or call the police?

I am fat, with deep veins, and by the time a bruise showsup, I’ve often forgotten how it happened. Impacts that haveme in tears might not showa mark two days later, if at all, and will continue to worsen days after they first show up.

Starring just because I am happy someone else is as happy about cold weather as I am. It’s hit 28 celcius already this year and I am DYING and nobody feels my pain.

Yeah, you’re right.

Perhaps it’s just that I’m shaped like an obese hobbit myself, but it seems like there should be at least some hint of her legs showing in the gap between his shorts. The idea of open air that high up puzzles me.