
I think it’s ludicrous that anyone would ever be expected to work for less than minimum wage, and I could not handle being a server and dealing with customers all day. That said...do many servers make less than minimum wage when averaged over the month? I mean, a bad night must wreak havoc with bills and budgets, but

In my neck of the woods (Atlantic Canada) the reular minimum wagee applies to tipped jobs and it is still customary to tip 15% for average service, 20% or more for good service. Servers may make the same $10 or $11 an hour that other jobs pay, but they are definitely counting on tips when they decide things like how

A.k.a. caltrops.

That icing looks delicious! What kind is it? Nice job getting your tiers so straight and even!

Not a fan of sweet potatoes myself, but my friend raved about egg white as the key to succuess in her crispy oven-sweet-potato-frry quest. Maybe something like these?

Even more fun with fractals!

Those are my favourite things to eat and some of my least favourite things to make. Too bad we can’t do a swap. Decorating’s kinda my thing.

Holy shit... I had not heard of this one yet, and I’m Canadian. i am pleased to see the response, but it is fucking horrifying to think of others like him on the bench.

Yeah, yeah, but what about that name?

Fascinated horror is my favourite .

1. If you can’t tell, you probably shouldn’t eat it.

The same except I would have a long thought about suicide in the second case before making those calls, throw up a bunch, and also call my husband and parents.

I’m not seeing it. She looks pretty darn beautiful in both shots.

They play at something like 1/25th speed for me.

This is my favourite thing I have read on the internet today.

Original Mario Bros., then Tetris. I know I played the Atari before SNES, but since I can’t remember details of a single game, I figure it doesn’t count.

Not a cat owner myself, but my friend has had great success elimating the smell of cat litter after giving up on training her cat to use the toilet. The biggest thing is probably that she saves mylar chip bags to scoop the dirty litter into, because unlike plastic grocery bags, they aren’t porous enough to allow any

Not all straight people are responsible for homophobia, but would you feel safer or more at ease surrounded by a group of strange straight people or strange gay people? This is all I read the original comment to be saying. When you know that statistically members of one group are more likely to be dangerous to you and

...I did not realize until now that I have been spelling it incorrectly. Thank you. I also just learned that ‘realize’ is preferred to ‘realise’ in Canada as well as the US. It just looks better to me with an ‘s’.

How do you think we ended up with a decade of Harper? We are celebrating so much right now partially because this wasn’t at all a sure thing. He’s our Obama after Bush.