
I'd say those tips need updating for the Advanced Edition. For a start, you now get boost by having crew man Sensors and Doors.

They updated his costume a long time ago.

3-4 new ship subsystems, an entirely new species to encounter, recruit & fight, game balance and a new 'hard' difficulty level, new writing and incidents, UI tweaks and changes.

If you look at it at a glance, it looks like a tiny person is piloting it.

The 'issue' of the noise has multiple factors.

So what you're saying is 'I don't like the sport and it has no relevance to me, but i'ma gonna comment anyway', yes?

'Big and loud' already is synonymous with wasteful - to an engineer, all that sound comes as a result of a glut of wasted energy pouring out of the exhaust. Without something like a turbo sitting in the way to catch it, it's just lost.

In that case, I reckon the saving grace for CoM is that it was still a very good film that carried its message consistently, wrapped up in some innovative filmography (hello Alfonso Cuarón).

For the record, a factoid is not a titbit of information, it's a splurious lie accepted as the truth.

Megatron had a lightsaber in the original Animated Movie. You know, for reasons.

Centurions is an idea that needs exploring again, given how technology an society has moved on since the original.

Probably didn't help either that they were just remakes.

'The After By the Man Behind X-Files' is a horrible title for a film.

Wang's shop in Taipei City used to be a big storefront above ground, but in 2000, when the government of Taipei was looking to expand its subway system, Wang had to vacate her shop and move underground. The deal with the government back then was that shopkeepers who had their shops removed from above ground would be

I know it's a weighted graph, but it's visually flawed when you consider most of Africa, Canada & Australia are basically wilderness and also stretches further back than when some countries were even industrialised...

Sega must be rubbing their mittens in glee!

I'm more concerned about Apple filing this patent then going after Occulus.

If it helps, my 2011 MacBook Pro has the same issue because the rubber feet weren't glued in properly. Wobbles like a bastard when typing fast.

But surely these are original creations? They just happen to have a license attached.

This was already in the iOS App - they even say so themselves!