
Pretty much. This is more like if Peter decided to finally hang up his webshooters and quit crimefighting, while Miles continued doing his thing. Maybe Peter suits up again occasionally if there’s a really huge emergency, but otherwise he stays at home with MJ and that baby that Marvel keeps refusing to let them have.

I just want everyone involved in this debacle to go over a cliff in a flaming bus.

why did the NHS shut down the Tavistock clinic?

This is what an an subset of tech companies effectively are trying to be - banks without any regulation.

while I’m more than 100% certain FTX did all kinds of criminal fraud, isn’t that description above just the basic description of the entire banking industry? Banks use their deposits to invest (while keeping X% as cash on hand mandated by regulation).

List is lacking Shaxs.

*Preps for the people who don’t understand that speedrunning a game quickly doesn’t mean the game “isn’t as long as they hyped”....

And that’s fine. Retcons to make a better story or adapt to out of control changes happen all the time.

FWIW, There isn’t a single major studio head that makes less than 200x the average of their respective employees. And, as CEOs, they need to realize that their job is actually the easiest to replace with AI.

I was annoyed? Didn’t know that.

The fact that this all went down on the first day of the month reenforces the “Musk isn’t paying his bills” theory. Had this all happened in the middle of the month, or if Elon had given everyone a heads up a couple days beforehand, like it was a planned outage, I might give him some credit.

The promised AI game revolution has arrived!

The image of that doctor “holding” the tablet looks like someone just removed the text from those unhinged mobile game ads.

“Keep baby? Kill Doctor? Which choose!?”

I feel like an hour and a half is plenty of time to test and make sure the game can run on your PC, which this move feels like more a reresponse after a year of pretty terrible PC ports

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Microsoft is selling Xbox consoles to make money on consoles. They’re selling consoles as a conduit for software sales, GamePass, and Cross-Play.

Sony needs the gaming arena to be successful since it comprises nearly a third of their annual revenues. Nintendo is a gaming

Same here, except I haven’t bought a PS5 since I’m holding out for a model that isn’t comically large and hideously ugly :P. But my PS4 is great for the PlayStation exclusives. I also use my Switch a lot, but cross plats I prefer on Xbox.

Redfall started development before the Bethesda acquisition so I doubt its core vision had anything to do with MS. Bethesda tried making niche, single-player games before. They all sold poorly. Dishonored 2, Prey, Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Evil Within 2... all were commercial failures. So, Bethesda decided they

My company had to send in whole spreadsheets of names, contact info, and a whole lot more to get people verified.

I’m sorry a friend of a friend of someone who worked at Twitter hurt Tim’s feelings.

He should spend some of his fortune on therapy and get over it.

News Flash:

The only good thing about social media has been the ability for idiots to out themselves as idiots, especially rich idiots. Before the turn of the millenium, rich idiots had to be true famewhores to find a megaphone big enough to announce to the world that they are not, in fact, the best of us, but just lucky or