
Of the 4 Cuusoo projects officially released, 3 have been selected on their uniqueness and commercial viability.

As the creator mentions, it's completely built in the official LEGO Digital Designer, which can export a list of parts used, which can then be used to order the bits via their Pick a Brick service.

You can't own a license on a dinosaur, but you can on the Jurassic Park characters, car and that gate.

Apple made it big off the Pro market because they traded on the FUD that Windows computers were unstable boxes of bits, despite the fact that Microsoft's professional operating systems, starting with Win2K, were incredibly stable next to their Home products at the time.

HitchHikers Guide To...

"What do you get when you multiple six by seven?"

They do draw boobs on them now, although Lego being Lego means you inevitably end up with bearded ladies.

I thought ICS/JB dynamically recognised the presence of phyiscal/capacitive buttons and showed software buttons (at the expense of screen real estate) if they were missing..?

Nearly all F1 helmets have fins and spoilers. The drivers head sorta has to be there - might as well make it contribute to the cars aero...

No, Lotus just has a Daft Punk sponsorship deal.

But Ghosts is (currently) a Xbone exclusive.

Then you need to look at what works for you. For a growing number of people, it's less of an issue, because a lot of what people care about now lives in that nebulous 'cloud' thing everyone talks about.

Imagine how meta it would be if he's part of a faux-documentary investigating the c*nts who take picture of peculiar people in coffee houses & the gadget blogs that run the pictures to generate hits?

I think you'll find Google, Dropbox, Amazon EC2 etc also have many downtime moments (downtime is a fact of life because there's nearly always a single point of failure, somewhere), but they're not widely reported on techblogs because they're not Apple.

The 'issue' with the MicroSD cards is they were contributing to the already lacklustre performance at times that Android 2 suffered.

It might be one of those e-cigarettes!

Aren't the points being made that a) Mega absolve themselves of any direct legal liability with their EULA and b) even if 'the man' managed to get everything on one file, they can't prove anything else about any other file from another user, so they'll have no legal right to hold them.

I could even understand a ULV i3. But an Atom? The RT ARM version is criticised for being slow, but really... Atom?

Really, did you just *suggest* they switch to using an Atom processor?

Gamespy probably operated the master server browser that all the game clients used to find each other.