
this is the A-Class, not the S-Class, with it's built-in robo chauffeur...

"As you can see, the new A-Class has all the latest techn..."

re: DHCP - Automated processes != dumbing down. DHCP removes a management task that allows more flexibility going forward.

That's pretty much what Microsoft does. Like most companies, they work to the Tick Tock cycle - Revolution (Tick) then Evolution (Tock).

Is that based on any newer builds or just the Dev Preview?

I havent used the Dev preview (waiting for the public beta/RC) but as I understand it, the desktop mode is going to offer some form of launcher functionality that won't require you to step into Metro.

You sound sure about that.

Come on. You *know* the iPhone 5 won't be a flop. Apple has too much critical mass for that to happen - they'd have to ship it coated in rabies or something to get the majority to even question buying it.

I guess it depends how you use your computer.

The only way I can see it working is to force companies to set up central 'business' Apple IDs.

@ranhalt I think the point is Apple are rewriting the UI rules that defined OS X and set it apart from the clusterfuck that was Windows at the time.

Fisher Price doesn't have sharp edges. Metro does.

The US model is the Dual Core. The Tegra SoC doesn't support LTE yet so it's getting the Krait Dual Core stateside.

If you need guaranteed battery life, is a smart phone really what you're after?

Of course, Apple's next device will sell umpteen more SKUs than HTC could ever hope, Tim Cook retains clean undercrackers and the cycle repeats next year.

I thought of this!

...apart from running Android?

Really not sure what you're actually asking. The end device is irrelevant to Onlive - their client is essentially a viewer for a streaming video which comes live from their end.

Well, there's the fact you don't have to own the thing at the other end. If you need to use a fully featured W7 desktop, you just need the Onlive account and they'll spin you out a unique VM with no installation and no driver issues.

Isn't that 'nothing' in the case of internet porn..?