Revitalize a city by carting in people whose income relatively matches that of the urban population of Detroit, who themselves rushed to leave Detroit?
Revitalize a city by carting in people whose income relatively matches that of the urban population of Detroit, who themselves rushed to leave Detroit?
So....that explains why there's so many gay men in Tuscon.
Sooooo...your phone broke 3 times and somehow that's Verizon's fault?
How will the people of New York and Los Angeles ever survive?
Which passages are these from?
Jesus...aside from the lack of a seatbelt and the fact you weren't trapped, your accident story is a lot like mine (even that it was in a Jeep).
DUI - roughly $1500 and a suspended license for 90 days.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. No way that it was totaled.
I got 18" in my neighborhood. Where's my overblown news media freak out?
Hard for themselves? The money they bank personally from big pharma is no burden at all. Even more, the money they make off of criminalizing cannabis pays for all their projects in gov't that they can't get funded through reasonable means.
Better to switch to CBD pills and supplement with THC pills for pain as needed (now that she lives in Cali and those things are available).
It's also possible to switch to CBDs, which is a component of marijuana and ingest in pill form at regular intervals, supplementing THC in pill form when pain is not manageable. This mitigates any developmental issues, most abuse concerns, and lung damage.
If she switched to CBDs and took a consistent dose throughout the day, she probably wouldn't have either issue on the long-term, while supplementing with THC for pain relief when needed.
I wish people would also cover the other diseases/disorders that CBDs and THC can help. With many of the medical conditions like cerebral palsy, it offers the ability to operate with greater ease and as far as I know, increase life expectancy somewhat.
You know who's typically the safest? The people who are passionate enough about their job to do it at home.
And for the record, how would working with red hot nickel equip someone with the knowledge of how to deal with or anticipate vapors?? Fucking moron.
Do you have any idea how many industrial accidents happen each year? And for the record, this guy's shop is far from "pro."