
I think they absolutely love each other, but not in a sexual way. Or maybe P-Stew is bi and just prefers being married to women and having some Sir Ian on the side.

So you’re saying the journalism on all Gawker sites is shit, then? Because if Kotaku is their greatest example, well...


Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

She was STEALING it. Duh.

I think Clarkson is to blame, but at the same time, it is an incredibly stupid move by the BBC. Would you cut Lebron/Kobe/Jordan because they got in a fracas with an assistant coach? Jeremy's job at the BBC was to be a presenter and bring in a large following. He was not being paid to be a nice person.

What are the toothpicks for? One of them isn't even in the fucking sandwich.

The idea behind the meat and milk thing is "you should cook the calf in his mother's milk".

Kosher law at its core says that you cannot cook a calf in its mother's milk. In order to prevent that from ever being a possibility, it was expanded to be that you cannot cook meat and cheese together. And to prevent that from ever being a possibility of happening even accidentally, it's almost impossible to find

I have never heard ANYONE say that shrimp, lobster, and crab are not shellfish. Ever.

That is the funniest thing I've read in weeks.

Hi, I just had post this reply so you could see it in your notifications. It appears some asshole has hacked into your Kinja account and is posting stupid and unnecessary contrarian posts with unnecessary semantics arguments.

If you go to the local beauty parlor (WTF is a 'salon'?), you will see options one through five listed on a wall poster.

The food may not have been great, but that's an amazing experience and I'm jealous.

Don't forget to bring your own candle.

My head just about fucking exploded at "Ask for the meal you enjoyed last time that's not on the menu today."

Yeah, that kind of bothered me, too. We're mostly adults on this site... I think most of us know the basics about how to eat well.

Guess you've met the wrong people.