
I regularly bring baked goods to work that are, quite literally, soaked with alcohol. I used to worry about it because I was once told that, in a bake-off, a coworker had to get special dispensation to bring in...something I can't remember...that had liquor in it. Then I developed a reputation as the person who baked

My brain auto-corrected "Italian" to "Indian," so it took me a good ten seconds to get the punchline.

You can train a dog not to jump in a couple days. Little defensive aren't we?

You folks know that a sequel to Rocky Horror exists, right? It was called Shock Treatment.

Who cares if I'm wrong? I never said I can't be persuaded, but based on the factual allegation given, I call bullshit. If you can show me facts to convince me otherwise, I am all ears.

This was violent stranger rape. She met the dude on facebook, he forced her into oral then she went to the concert with him, then she went to the hotel with him, then she was raped again, then she waited until there was public controversy about him, then she said she was raped. Nameless, evidenceless, bogus.

If one can believe in the moment that rape is consensual sex in the moment, then one can believe that consensual sex in the past was rape. We have a case of the second here.

If one can believe that rape is sex in that moment, then it stands that one can also believe sex was rape later on. This sounds like a clear cut case of the latter.

She went back to the room!! In the 2 hours a concert lasts she didn't realize that dude forcibly shoved his dick in her mouth? Are you joking?

You are hypothesizing that this woman had battered woman syndrome upon meeting a dude for the first time? Really?

Please have some common sense. She was at a public concert with security guards and police - why didn't she leave? Why didn't she go to the police after? None of this adds up. I'm against victim blaming if there is any shred of credible evidence or testimony for the victim.

Wait, she was raped in the hotel room, still went with him to a concert and then returned to the same hotel room where she had just been raped? Are you kidding me with that accusation?

I have proof that you raped me. You don't have access to this proof, but I will anonymously testify that you in fact raped me. Not in a court of law, of course, but online, where everyone you know will read it and know that you did it.

Nobody puts Baby on the floor.

Karen Milton:

Since this literally just happened to me and I'm recovering from a c-section after being discharged yesterday, I'm sort of vicariously excited to see what other people went through.

Lets play "Spot the Yelp worker" *points at Cat* FOUND ONE!

Towel? OK. Rubber glove? I'm on board. ALUMINUM FOIL? Get that the hell away from my dick!