
Not really. None of these products are strictly necessary (I'm not talking about for cops. People have tazers, too), but none of them are going to hurt, can help, and can help people feel safer in their lives. Shit happens anywhere, anywhen; the fact that you're going to a bar to drink with friends unfortunately

*shrug* There's a need for bulletproof vests, mace, and police vest-cams too.

I don't think anyone is denying that there ARE people out there who spike drinks. What, do you expect that the majority reaction will be "bullshit, the drink is fine" or something?

I've made an image for comparison.

Your misremembering or something: The Girl Who Waited is the episode where Amy was trapped in the Two Streams facility. That garden at the end is one of the places that she runs and hides in, from the room with the teleporters/doors.

So, is there any commentary to be had that the garden at the end of this episode is the same location as from The Girl Who Waited? I dunno if that actually means anything, but it seems odd that they would re-use a location like that.

With the state of the species as they are, I wouldn't willingly kill off a strong hive.

You're the most glorious troll. A troll for the people. Not the troll that we deserve, or the troll that we often get, but the troll that we need.

Please don't. As a biological male with long luxurious locks of blonde hair, I get enough of that already. So does my father, for longer than my lifespan. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor about it anymore, and I probably wouldn't if something like that started happening.

You should just have the response available as a copypasta.

Holy crap, you're a complete ass.

$11 is about what I'd expect to spend on a main at the only/best curry restaurant in town, but I'm now in a region where there are so many available options that I would not and would not have to spend that kind of money on "standard" curry. That said, if me and the wife order from one of our favored places, we'll

...I'm sorry, someone must have forgotten to give me the dictionary with my membership package.

I've got a last-gen Smart TV (aka, the last line before they moved to 4k), and the blacks are impressive. If something is supposed to be black... it's fucking black. In the middle of shows/movies me and my wife will joke "whelp, screens been dead black for 10 seconds, video is obviously over".

My current subscriptiosn (and the reason why):

You're correct. I'm leaving now. Leaving the planet.

Is there a place online that I can order prints of this?

You're not wrong.

Not really, as far as accuracy. There's vividness (which is how clearly YOU remember the memory, and how confident you are of what you remember), and then there's accuracy; the short version is that they don't tend to be any more accurate over time, you just maintain that vivid impression of them. Also, the items

Sure. Put in a powered USB socket and free WiFi and I'll call it a deal.