
They lift right up! They're not immune to the effects of gravity like most mugs you see on the market these days.

I cannot figure it out to save my life. It's the reason I had to stop reading Valleywag. If anyone understands how the comments are grouped could you pleaaaaase explain it to me?

Fine. Mail it to me and I'll take care of the rest. I have to do everything around here!

I'm super nosy, so I would have that ring out of there in a matter of seconds so I could mock the eff out if it.

I think you should dig out the ring and post a picture of it. For science!

Comment of the year.

Guys! It's Mark!! We got Mark back!!! Mark!! Hey Mark!!!

I remember seeing you attacked on Jez but I don't remember it being moved to GT.

I remember that thread and how you were attacked, and I'm 99% sure that it happend on Jez and not on GT. I'm not invalidating your feelings at all, but I wish you wouldn't hold a thread that happend on Jezebel against GT.

Well, would you look at that. A woman featured in a fashion magazine was lightly photoshopped and, as a result, looks slightly better than she did in the original photos. Someone notify the Pultizer committee. This is some ground-breaking journalism. It must be shared with the world!


Is this real life or is this just fantasy?

Craigslist and Freecycle!

I don't have a picture, but a friend of mine wore a beautiful yellow knee length dress and red lipstick and carried red roses. She was breathtaking.

It's a dream. You'll be the same person in the shiny new life and repeat all the same patterns.

So you never challenge anything that you like? Agree 110% or GTFO? That's unfortunate.

Are you familiar with the articles that people are so angry about?

I don't ever post "Doug sucks" comments, but I think it's important to know that some of the things he has written have a deep effect on many of us for a variety of reasons. This goes beyond the usual vitriol aimed at writers in the blogosphere.

I was fine up until the Chris Brown article. I'll always have a problem with someone who mocks a child for being raped and doesn't apologize for it. That's what hurts my heart.

It hurts your heart that people have very serious problems with a writer on an Internet blog that you don't know?