I'm so sorry for your loss. Truly.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Truly.
Oh. That's a whole different ball game. What are the major issues?
If you've spoken to them and nothing has changed try to let as much go as possible for your own mental health. There's nothing worse than the feeling of dreading going home at the end of the day. When is your lease up?
You're definitely the best ever.
Thanks guys. I know I'll be ok. I always am. It's just shitty right now. I appreciate the support.
Thanks. It just sucks so hard right now.
I broke up with my sort-of boyfriend of a year and a half. He was my ride or die, and we haven't spoken in a week. I'm lonely and so very sad. I'm going to be ok, right?
Brandon Wade likes making asinine remarks, just like monkeys enjoy flinging their own feces. I never said Brandon Wade was a feces flinging monkey! Stop twisting my remarks, women of the Internet!
Boxed merlot. Like a lady.
I'd say take a class related to something that you're interested in. I started taking improv classes and now have a huge community of friends. Book clubs are also a great place to meet people. I started one and met some really interesting people as a result. You can also try meetup.
I'm an atheist from the most liberal state in the country that celebrates Christmas. Did I just blow your mind, Officer Buzzkillington?
Thanks. I wish I had some wisdom to share with you. I don't know if I consider myself a victim. I don't know how much I want to share on a website. But I do want to validate your struggle. I know how you feel.
I've been there. He had a few beers, I was wasted. I said no, but didn't have the capacity to try and physically stop him because I was so drunk. I've blamed myself for years and years. I don't have any advice for you. Just know that you're not alone.
I don't have a recipe, as such. I use a package of soy meat, a can each of black and kidney beans, a can of diced tomatoes, red and green peppers diced, onion diced, a few cloves of garlic, a package of mushrooms and a ton of cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper. Either throw it all in the slow cooker or sauté the…
Does anyone else do improv? I've been doing it for about a year and a half now. Where do you improvise? What form do you prefer? Any books/podcast/websites you can recommend?
I just made veggie chili in my crockpot!
Go for it. Long distance sucks to be sure, but finding someone you click with on a million levels is a rare thing. I say go balls to the wall and see what happens.
I'll be interested to hear the responses. I haven't pulled the trigger on rescuing a dog for this reason.
I don't think you need to rush a diagnosis unless you think he needs services that he's not currently receiving-speech, OT, PT, etc.
I stole.