
Yeah, because every NFLer suffers irreversible brain damage that severely affects their cognitive skills and renders their post-career lives useless. Or maybe not EVERY, more like less than one percent. You could benefit from a little math study yourself.

We could use more video of cops doing their jobs, but that doesn't mean highway paparazzi dumbfucks trying to be activist/journalist action heroes. Your position is misguided.

After the game the Huggins gals bumped into Dez at a local bar. They exchanged niceties, even flirted...killed a bottle of Fireball and then had a wild consensual threesome replete with ass-to-mouth and cum-swapping. You just KNOW they would...

You just know he whipped the shit out of that camel in the parking lot. That back there, right in front of him, right under him. Those reins, the crowd inside awaiting his arrival, the full moon...it's like that fucked up play Equus. What's the Latin word for camel?

The Arabian theme should be unsurprising when you consider he practices Sharia Law in his home.

This is the death knell, right here. Anyone who knows anything knows that's a fuckin Glock. If it truly is a jury of his peers (stupid, reckless people) I suppose it possible one of em might stupidly and recklessly hold out. But I doubt it. I know of no one who thinks him innocent. If the prosecutors fail on this one

Well, he's better at it than me. I've wanted to kill some people but still haven't acted on it. Yet.

Stay in school, kids!

"Was Parsons so taken..."

Had literally just read a story about the X-Files coming back before I saw this. Maybe Mulder and Scully could explain this. I bet Krycek took the Blazers money line and then activated the remote electric shock module he implanted via blow dart during shootaround. That Krycek is s real weasel.

Ehhh...you had me til "root for UK."

I nominate this for "Biggest Headline Stretch of 2015." Perhaps it could be inferred that the NFL believes its commissionership is more serious of a position than the office of the President of the United States, but even that is flimsy.

If I was in charge over there this tool would be fired. ESPN employee that hasn't filled out NCAA brackets in eight years??!? That admits to it publicly??!? I guess this is his way of sticking it to CBS..."YEAH. I don't watch your event. So there. It's not that popular anyway. For every 100 million people that watch

I've always said Ranch (always caps - wouldn't want to offend the Ranch gods) tastes like dressing left on the dashboard for two days in the Midwest summer sun. Reading this post I actually began to understand why Westerners are joining ISIS...

Nice post, Drew, but I was hoping to learn a little more about Bill. Can't get enough Bill. Never mind the smoke he blows INTO his own arse, just imagine the bouquet he gets to enjoy on its way out! Olfactory heaven I'm sure.

If you think there will be a 2017-18 season, you are out of your mind. Good. The market needs a correction. The work stoppage will eventually be good for basketball fans. But it's gonna be a doozy.

My frosh year at USC (95-96) me and my buddy Gary were shooting around in the rec center alone. Two guys walk in, one I recognized as SC starting QB Kyle Wacholtz, the other was a very large black man I didn't recognize but I had a feeling I should have.

Exactly how did I rail against women by identifying Michelle Roberts? Or by calling her a blowhard (which is unquestionable)? 100-1 you thought Chris Paul trashed that ref because she's a woman because he used a female pronoun to identify...errr...the person.

I still cannot get my head around 'celebrities' (meaning public figures who repeatedly have microphones in their face—even those who play for the Mets) going on-record with such divisive and intolerant speech.