
Why is this leftist horseshit on a sports blog site? Yeah, Trump’s a turbo-douche, but he’s not an evil lying wretch like the cunt he’ll probably lose to. All the liberal dick-sucking on this site has rendered it totally worthless. Reminds me of the Daily Show (which was at one time a fairly non-partisan comedy show)

Why is this leftist horseshit on a sports blog site? Yeah, Trump’s a turbo-douche, but he’s not an evil lying wretch like the cunt he’ll probably lose to. All the liberal dick-sucking on this site has rendered it totally worthless. Reminds me of the Daily Show (which was at one time a fairly non-partisan comedy show)

Why is this leftist horseshit on a sports blog site? Yeah, Trump’s a turbo-douche, but he’s not an evil lying wretch liken the cunt he’ll probably lose to. All the liberal dick-sucking on this site has rendered it totally worthless. Reminds me of the Daily Show (which was at one time a fairly non-partisan comedy show)

So the ‘coolness’ of a state is wholly defined by the status of the legalization of gay marriage in that state? Cuz...I mean, California is cooler than Iowa, don’t over think it...

The bottom line is that you cannot in good conscience fire a coach who is 41-23 in four NFL seasons, regardless of the shittiness of his division. One widely covered 4th down fucktard play in the second half against the cheating scum champs does not a termination make. Pagano didn’t snap the ball for chrissakes.

Gotta be honest, there MANY intriguing bowl matchups this year. Granted, in the first few days there are a few (inexcusable) sub-.500 tilts, but this season’s bowl matchups are, I believe, largely uniquely compelling.

Not pictured: Tim Floyd, crouching behind the stanchion, holding a curiously fat envelope.

That’s a pretty slimy move...you SURE an attorney defending an NFL player would actually argue something outrageous like that?

Dude. Howard just put me in the grays for a post destroying his racist headline that got 36* in like 40 min. He buried the comment so no one can get to it and put me in the grays just for an eloquent opposing viewpoint that pointed out his blatant reverse-Clayton Bixby stance on race.

You’ve been here a while...I dig your posts, I have an important (to me) Deadspin commenter’s question if you have a moment. I would appreciate it.

What’s the over/under on # of sentences before the average reader figures it out? Very proud of myself—literally read 5 words then averted my eyes as though I caught a glimpse of a solar eclipse.

Not every first down. He looks douchy, too! Discount double check. And he’s reppin an insurance company. How’s that cool? Where did I say it was?

Haha Andy Dalton. Nice.

I clearly stated that TD celebrations were fine, but after every first down? No QB does that.

Fyi, I got switched to gray cuz the author doesn’t like that I disagreed with him and that others agree with me. That’s how they roll here. Really cool, and Communist China of him...

Fyi, I got switched to gray cuz the author doesn’t like that I disagreed with him and that others agree with me. That’s how they roll here. Really cool, and Communist China of him...

Gotta love how Howard makes a comment disappear that he disagrees with and gets consistent stars. Just silence the commenter that points out your clunky race-baiting white guilt. Way to take the censorship high road! If you indeed did that, you’re a sham journalist. You mad, bro?

C’mon that’s disingenuous and you know it.

I said TD celebrations fine. Every first down? Not for QBs, certainly! I don’t hate him or the celebrations—he just looks like a tool. At his own peril.

Yeah, cuz only 2 dozen have READ it so far. Check me in the morning, I’ll be up around 7, so have your mom yell down to the basement around then...