
The author needs to fact check Carson before trying to.use the pyramids/grain storage comment as nonsense. Turns out he was factual correct. Have whatever opinion for/against the guy, but once one aspect of your piece/criticism turns out to be false itself, the illusion you are painting for your audience completely

Modest proposal: Ban all marching bands, everywhere.

This is offensive to shitheads everywhere.

The bottom line is that you cannot in good conscience fire a coach who is 41-23 in four NFL seasons, regardless of the shittiness of his division. One widely covered 4th down fucktard play in the second half against the cheating scum champs does not a termination make. Pagano didn’t snap the ball for chrissakes.

The Panthers will react better after their next loss. Third time’s a charm!

Now playing

Right idea, wrong execution, at least as far as I can tell just from this video. The wave never moves, meaning the water must be accelerated through the channel and over a fixed obstruction that generates the wave. This fits the “never ending wave” description above, too. I’ve seen this before as well, though on a

As long as baseball continues to have World Series home field determined by it, it will remain annoying that bizarre voting trends have scrubs and randos impacting the outcome.

Some great players have come out of the California Penal League.

Whenever we play “Eliminate Three States”, everyone picks Mississippi, regardless of politics, region of origin, or economic background.

Robert obviously confused defense with defenestrate.

It’s Mississippi, they may have miscounted what floor he was on.

Dude and lawyer are angling for a “make it go away” settlement. He will get a couple of hundred k for this, and essentially blackball himself into never getting a head coaching job again.

First time a Rams receiver has been successfully targeted since Marc Bulger was under center.

This old video was shot in the present and features the Future. #mindblown

This puts Smith in an awkward position. He's too much of a criminal to play for the Raiders and not enough of a criminal to cheer for the Raiders.

Not that I don’t like Cam Newton but he did get kicked out for Florida and arrested for stealing that lap top so he isn't the choir boy Wilson is.

Won’t somebody please think of the children? All of whom are most likely Philips Rivers’.

Yes, I agree . Everyone’s being niggardly in its use.