
For all those who think NBA players are not fairly compensated, here's more evidence they're largely overpaid. One big guaranteed contract is enough for a lot of these guys to stop giving a shit. When the new TV deal kicks in and if this Michele Roberts blowhard delivers on her promise, the NBA product will ultimately

Like whom? Are you talking about pro sports guys only? Pretty sure OJ, Bush, Young and Mark McGuire didn't graduate. Just curious who you're referring to. ..

Ouch, you fucker.

Just have to acknowledge that you referenced the best song on that album, an album that quite honestly influenced my pre-teen existence as no other.

No shit! I was thinkin maybe he meant "came out" of the car! We don't have a full view of the scene but that sure ain't a parking spot, in fact I feel pretty confident that's a thru-way. What we have here just may be an act of karmic retribution.

I'm confused...doesn't espn just move games to one of their other networks when the previous game runs over?

Progressive? Ain't that that in-surance outfit? Hell, I voted for George McGovern for president!

You know how huge this fight is when the announcement generates a lengthy pro-wrestling discussion.


This guy is definitely representative of the maxim I often claim to have coined: "The only thing worse than a stupid person is a stupid person with conviction." (And a massive platform, in this case)

Ben Johnson, Barry Bonds, A-Rod, Lance Armstrong, Marion Jones, Tiger Woods (c'mon, you're not blind), Anderson Silva....seems like we really shouldn't be surprised when we learn an outlier of his/her sport achieved his/her dominance with the aid of PED's.

+1 for the appropriate reference to the Italian word 'fugazi' meaning fake (notably in "Donnie Brasco"), and not an inappropriate reference to murder that many in this space seem to me too enamored with...When I first read 'Ballghazi' my immediate thought was "Ballgazi' would have been a way better choice...

I'd like to discuss the term "Ballghazi". I didn't like it when I first saw it and I am now truly tired of it.

Gotta love the time-honored anonymous teammate. If the lead anchor of NBC news could spin us whimsical yarns of bogusness do you think some schmoe sports talk radio dude from Denver could invent an anonymous teammate?

Dude. The double-tap.

Lengthty payoff I felt, buuuuut.....+1.

Crickets: (MOAN)

"Hangin' With Mr. Copper"

I disagree. Given his penchant for orgy-taping—and also, apparently, seed planting, it seems he's got the union thing down.

Just checked the podcast for Steve's reaction and HAD to reply to this no-longer-contemporary post.