
So...? You're saying this society or members therein acted as a catalyst in this incident? That some malevolent roundtable of unconscionably potent power-brokers led a Tennessee kicking legend to his demise?

This post has that "this is the end of this story" feel, but I would like to hear from someone who can dig a little deeper. I understand his wife and family are likely still in grief and their privacy concerns shall be respected, but...

"Smart?? That guy is acting. Rub some dirt on it, bro."

Since Irving shot over 50%, I can't really criticize him for shooting 23 times. But ZERO assists? If you're surrounded by four NBA players (two of them perennial all-stars) and play PG, you would have to TRY to get no assists in a game. You would have to shoot, turn the ball over, pass to a teammate completely out of

What Rice and Peterson did disgusts me and I'll forever think of them as Neanderthals as a result.

While "Mike & Mike" is not worthy of anyone's respect, it appears to me that ESPN execs find it pretty vital to their brand. The program's complete lack of edge and inability to offend anyone fits the Disney model. I think Bill has picked another fight he cannot possibly win. (Okay, Golic picked it, but Bill seemed to

Leach's grasp of anatomy may leave a bit to be desired, but his ability to learn from his mistakes can't be called into question—I have have it from a reliable source that Connor Halliday is apparently currently healing from a SEATED position in the Wazzou equipment room.

Uhhh...you lost me at "Kevin Durant fucking sucks"...

Savvy move, really. If he didn't silence this guy we'd all strongly suspect Alex Rodriguez used performance-enhancing drugs. And that would really tarnish his image.

If anyone ever asks what "meeting at the apex" means, this would be make for an ideal visual aide. As it would for "emasculation." Or "humiliation." Or...


If the NBA had 24 teams, played a 60-game regular season, and had an 8-team playoff with four best of 9 series it would challenge the NFL in popularity.

"Aaahhh...so its MADISON who can't find something now! We call that 'karmic retribution. '"

I can't help but think if I was a New York Jet and just read that there'd instantly appear one of those cartoon light bulbs above my head.

I don't always not score touchdowns, but when I don't I STILL beat YO azz!! Suckas!!

"Remem....remem....do you remember that one time...when...uh....do you remember that one time when I gave that big trophy to that baseball guy?

"Reckless and possibly inhumane. Some people just care more about winning than safety. Enjoy your title earned from the possible future shoulder pain of a man who will for all eternity be lauded as a champion among all champions of American sport. Hope it was worth it."

Just sayin...

I wanted to avoid this, but I should have known better!

Clever, relatively inoffensive. +1