
Goddamn East-coast bias. If I was gonna eat shit I sure wouldn't pick an NYC turd. Such arrogance.

In the interest of journalistic integrity, I heard it was a threesome and Lennay Kekua should have received photo credit.

A formidable yarn, but am I the only one who is incredulous about the details?

Thanks for the clarification. I think the declaration of his unavailability for the season is interesting. Yeah he's old and his skills diminished, but to just write him off while still being on the hook for his unwieldy salary is telling.

So help me here...does Nash get his whole salary for this year?? Does his current injury require surgery? Are the Lakers declaring him out for the season to avoid paying him the balance of his contract?

Harris: "So is this going to be on ESPN and stuff?"

I think the real question here is why on earth did a Big 12 conference game have a Pac-12 officiating crew??

Just another misunderstanding. In an effort to reduce the uncomfortability of the situation (in which one man was preparing to stare at another man's cock whilst he urinated), AP was just trying to make conversation.

Rain? RAIN??!? I woulda loved some rain.

You don't watch football and you frequent Deadspin?? That's like a nun having a subscription to Pornhub!

Gotta credit Pagano for the call and Colts' management for not cutting him after he took an inadvisable dip years ago.

RHCPs....agreed to cede the stage and support Bruno Mars is beyond me.

I don't know this Rob Havilla character, and I can't recall a non-celebrity that I have judged without first meeting him/her, but I don't think Rob and I should ever meet.

Dude. Never criticize Katy Perry. She exerts power. Much, much power.

Are you fucking kidding me. (No ? purposefully. )

I can't believe I was late to this party. Hat's off, man.

My God, man. It so does NOT work for you.

Anyone whose job it is to look after A.P.'s best interests (agent, publicist, Mom, whoever) should have annihilated his twitter account the day the shit hit the fan. And as far as A.P. goes, tweeting someone else's words isn't NOT TWEETING, as I'm sure he was instructed. You're paid millions for risking your health by

All we've been hearing is how baseball is losing its popularity and only Latin nations are passionate about it anymore, blah, blah...

Wearing a Ray Rice jersey to a packed stadium for a nationally televised game days after the second video aired is ugly. Wearing an Adrian Peterson jersey while carrying a stick at an NFL game right after pictures of his bloody four-year-old were released is disgusting.