
Good lord, F the Sun Devils!!!

As a frequent and recent commentor....I simply cannot ignore this tale....

Ummm....running 50 yards away from the play to take a bow is and has always been worth a 15-yarder in the NCAA. Yeah, Pac-12 refs suck ass but that dude is a moron and cost his team the game.

This episode "Floyd AND the Barber" should have been left on the cutting room floor. No doubt a hair-raising experience for that poor woman.

Not sure, but you don't just have to go there, all you have to do is like them to be terrible.

To be fair, it's probably easier to woefully underestimate a guy's brain trauma while he's standing next to Brady Hoke.

If someone takes the time to reply to me what is wrong with taking the time to reply to them? I read the headline, the piece and then write what I feel. If that's trolling then I guess I'm a troll. If a bunch of people get enraged and choose to reply to my post and not the original blogger, so be it. For the most part

"Kids, come here. You godless little shits, get over here.

Although I don't advocate child neglect, it WAS to attend a huge drunken throwdown and not the abominable affront to humanity it preceded. It would be in better taste to leave your toddlers and preteens at home to attend a dogfight or go to a titty bar than to enter a stadium to watch the Cleveland Browns play

You're right that the Deadspin comments section is not the right place to suck up to the rich. At work, a cocktail party or charity dinner is where I do that.

For the record, the Irsay DUI/possession case was his first criminal conviction. Also, my first conviction of essentially the same crime was handed down IN THE SAME EXACT COURTHOUSE and I received what I perceive to be a LESSER punishment. Now, Irsay may have skated by before and merely been escorted home by police

Here's the problem with your argument. Irsay is beholden to NFL rules and standards (no matter how cloudy and stupid some of those appear to be). Rogers is as well, but he is ALSO beholden to the Colts' FRANCHISE. If they told him "one strike and you're gone," then he loses. Now you can argue the Colts are

Sorry, Americans who find our reality so goddamn unfair annoy me. Try being born in China, Africa or India as most people are. I know how lucky I am and don't bitch about people having a lot when I merely have some. My "some" is more than most everyone else's and I feel blessed about that.

Ha! Steinbeck. Nice.

Ok. I regret using the word "inequality" as I did. I didn't anticipate how it may appear to some. What I meant was that in our system not everyone has the same amount of shit (money, power, fame, etc.). That is "not equal" but not necessarily "inequality", if in fact "inequality" is no longer defined as things just

Pure genius. +1

I think you have it backwards, but nevermind. Ha. Your sarcasm/irony is not lost on me, but two wrongs STILL don't make a right.

Absurd conclusion. I am most definitely part of the 99%. But I am NOT a "99-percenter." There's a difference. Thank God.

The "bulk of" part is certainly debatable. If you think it's unfair that Jim Irsay owns a football team while Rogers only (used to) play(s) for it, you are beyond my help. Rogers was blessed with the talent and physique to pursue an athletic career. Rogers also worked at honing his strength and skill to achieve a

You chose a different definition of "inequality" than I did. I'm not gonna look it up but I'm confident 4 and 6 are inequal. In our system a lot of people have some and some people have a lot. In this instance what I have some of is "stupidity," and what you have a lot of...nevermind. No time to finish, I'm late for a