
Nope. I'm suspended, remember? For breaking the rules. I got punished for breaking the rules. See a pattern here?

Hmmm. 4 and 6 are INEQUAL, no?

And there's your problem. If I have more money than you, that's INEQUAL. Unless I got away with stealing the difference that is not UNFAIR.

Wait...THIS guy uses PED's? And they needed a scientist to play with his pee to come to that conclusion? Damn, the NFL's willful ignorance apparently goes beyond wife-beating. As with surveillance videos, makes me wonder how many piss test results they just refuse to look at.

Boo-hoo! Wealth and power affords privilege. Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Not surprisingly, Geno forgot "asshole." "Fuck you, asshole."

I thought it was 49-0, not sure. Can't believe I got a reply from someone who saw the same thing. And remembered it. Hilar.

Excellent point. How big of tool do you have to be to run around touting your CONFERENCE?? "AL Central, bitches!" "NFC East RULES!" "Legends' Division #1!!" Absurdity.

I heard his son got those for free!!

Full price?? I dunno, that's not so bad.

P.S. Also, Yankee, Boston, Notre Dame and SEC fans think you're annoying. Let that soak in.

Confused by the "dangers college football players face on a weekly basis" comment. Don't NFL and high school and youth players face the same danger? If this is a veiled way to proclaim these guys should be paid I fart in your general direction.

SC aka USC is in Los Angeles. SC is also the state of South Carolina. They're just the gamecocks.

So if you laughed when you read the sign does that make you a homophobe? I think not.

I'll never forget what I saw at a Michigan @ Indiana game in the early 90's...

Nate Dogg radio on Pandora is a personal fave. Ironically, however, I thumbs down all his solo tracks.

I forgot about Indian burns! That made me chuckle.

It was in fact funny, I agree with that. But was it not meant to be derisive? Even just a little? Seemed to me like you found the voice of the piece overbearing or scolding and therefore chose to lightly mock the writer for being bossy. I feel I was more "telling it like it is" than "son, you need to ____."

haha...I was merely opining that political correctness run amok ironically may have a negative effect on the awareness of the people as a whole. I was just trying to illustrate the spectrum of the erasure. I'm not lamenting that kids only sit "cross-legged" now...

It does not follow that one cannot exhibit knowledge of history without being alive and aware contemporaneously with said history. In fact, one should aim to gather and store such information. It's the best way to communicate with/relate to one's elders and others with the requisite wisdom and knowledge to enhance