
I suspect you meant this to be derisive.

If by "kind of sweet" you mean "at best embarrassing, at worst hopelessly pathetic" I agree.

I think this piece gives the impression the 'Old-School Hard-Nosed Tough-Guy" managing style is outmoded and cartoonish and it thus necessitated Gibson's termination. Bullshit. Not winning frequently enough got Gibson fired. Ozzie Guillen acted like an ignorant ass for years and won while doing it. Until he didn't.

Also, if and when Simmons wants to go lone-wolf and start his own deal he will realize for himself that the access which he was afforded at ESPN was not attained by being a thorn in the side of partners (NFL, NBA, etc.). If he takes the same tack that he did last week through his own entity and yell that Goodell is a

This portrays Simmons as a bit of a rabble-rouser at best and a meddling malcontent at worst.

Not sure what you mean by "white power trip" but you're off-base regardless. I just don't sense that there's a real widespread disdain for the use of "Indians" "Warriors" "Braves," etc. among the Native American population. I've seen no survey data which supports that hypothesis. Chief Wahoo is an outdated and

I absolutely 100% agree with you that the ultimate answer is simply more focus on the subject in the nationwide curriculua. If the Springfield High Braves receive thorough education on Native American history and culture and a respectful logo and bring in local Native American speakers on occasion to remind the

I never said it bothered me! I'm not defending "Redskins." As for the rest of your first graph, I have no problem—your opinion. But the sentiment I've gotten from many here is that all Native American mascots (save Seminoles and others with permission from tribes) are offensive caricatures and must go. I just don't


I said "I'm not on the fence" and in fact I'm on the side of "just fuckin change it already." The word "Redskins" is not cool. I merely posited that once that name is erased the possible subsequent eradication of all schools' and teams affiliation with Native Americans/tribes could result in a decreased awareness of

+1 for irony, Budweisers were a factor

Activists, zealots, politicians, media etc. who pick up a cause and are unrelenting damn the possible consequences.

I wrote "I'm not on the fence" and in fact the side I'm on is "fuckin get rid of it already." I merely posited that the possible subsequent eradication of all schools' and teams' (save Florida St. and others who have existing permission from specific tribes) affiliation with Native Americans/tribes could result in a

I'm not lamenting the eventual loss of the mascots, I'm lamenting the possibility that such erasure may contribute to the reduction of awareness of the people themselves and therefore the plight and horror inflicted upon them. Fuck.

I'm talkin about AWARENESS. Not learning. I'm talkin about AWARENESS. What are we talkin about?

Maybe one day Snyder will be brave enough to relent. I wonder, when his house gets T.P.d on Halloween do you figure he thinks it's just some creative political protest? I imagine those guys reselling tickets on the corner are going to feel the heat next.

Don't disagree. But common sense like that rarely wins the day. Once they succeed in beating down the Redskin organization they'll turn to the Indians because they're not the called the Cleveland Native Americans, and so on. Then eventually they'll have to whitewash the gym walls with the headdresses and spears

Um, no, it's already largely ignored in schools. That's the gist of the "one day and seven pages" bit. The lack of attention already exists; it won't be resultant of the eradication of the mascots.

Whew. Sorry there, chief.

My post was more prescient than I anticipated. When the rest of the media get internested in this the story is sure to metamorphosize and they're going to go through it with fine-toothed combs. I only wish he would been apprehended fleeing on his Vespa. Sorry about the puns, I can almost hear your collective pheromoan.