
I guess I never asked my hand if it likes my cock, I never really considered it may be opposed to masturbation. Thanks for enlightening me to another point of view on the issue. Maybe I am being selfish. In the future I'll give some consideration to ol' Lefty's feelings.

As opposed to responding to your comments individually, I will do it here if you don't mind. I think maybe you're in the grey because you seem particularly angry and can't post anything witty or funny. Every single label you've assigned to me is erroneous with the exception of the following: I am self-satisfied (you

I came to no such conclusion. No offense, but your critical reading skills are lacking in this instance. I said that his use of profanity coupled with his rant is what his SUPERIORS can use to make the argument he fell short of THEIR supposed journalistic standards. It's a plausible defense of their suspension. And I

No, I'm not Peter King. And I already noted that, check my posts. My MMQ insider says yes. Next question.

Oh damn, can't see the image. You're too grey.

Haha, you just drew a spit-take from me! +1

Do I sound bitter? I'll have to take another 10 hours out of my meaningless life to re-read my posts! And I thought I was just debating my original post and then also defending subsequent ones to anyone who took the time to reply to them directly. Shit.

If deadspin commenters don't like Bill Simmons then why is it so many of them are calling me names for merely saying ESPN execs were totally within their rights to punish him for what they perceived as insubordination (while under the guise of not meeting journalistic standards)?

When did I say he wasn't entitled to express his opinion? I said he thumbed his nose at his employer and dared them to come down on him and they did. And what is it you profess to know about his "HR situation?"

Alright. First of all thanks for the compliment. I've never thought myself ugly, but beautiful is a stretch. (You know my avatar is Lionel Hutz, a fictional cartoon character and not actually ME, right?) I'm not sure how you know what I look like, but compliment accepted. Secondly, again with the name-calling! And an

Ok, but let me ask you—why did he have to add the 'I dare you' stuff? Would you have done the same? Why was it not sufficient to say that Goodell is a lying piece of shit and he and all the powers that be are just sanctioning and disseminating all the fuckin bullshit and leave it at that? I assume you've read the

I really, REALLY appreciated that comment. I love all your points and the way you framed them. I like to have my thoughts provoked. I don't necessarily LIKE or ENJOY that this happened to Simmons, I just know that there are consequences to every action I take, as there are for those that I may find a bit douchy or

Haha, just respecting all the folks who replied to me by replying to them. You're free to stop reading anytime, Tom. I sure wouldn't sit around waiting for me to "shut the fuck up," you'll become even more aggro. Have a swell night, bud.

Haha, fair enough. It only serves as background for the individual comment, doesn't mean I'm claiming to be A.J. Foyt. Check my other posts on the subject if you give a shit.

Dang, that's a long time! You should find a hobby! Maybe learn speed reading so you can free up more time for other interests or obligations you have.

Go to the pending section and read my comments. You're clearly not seeing them all here.

Your post is awesome because in some of my other comments somewhere I:

Can you dumb that down for me a little? I felt like bigorangecats was unduly hostile and I lashed out a bit. Are you saying I held it together all this time without stooping to (some) others' level and then dropped some genocidal dictator shit and my whole house of cards tumbled down? I didn't like to read that I

I have entertained the thought he wanted to get suspended and his rant was a savvy, calculated move to up his brand. If so, I respect him more.

Firstly, I have MAD respect for you because you are the first person to really make my brain hurt today and really question my own self and my specific words on Simmons. Fuck, are you Bill Simmons??? Haha