
Oh, the "You're a racist" blast. Nice. Can't believe you wasted your time with all the other words!

Fair enough. Your opinion. He comes off as generally soft-spoken, non-threatening and relatively modest. But his rant and his ultra-prolificness (poetic license, my vocabulary has failed me in this moment) about a cornucopia of topics are where I got the impression. Perhaps I was too harsh with that. Well taken.

Point well taken. But I don't recall writing "never under any circumstances, " I was only referring to this particular circumstance.

No freakin way, bro. It's more like 20%. Either way, there exists a statistical possibility that I am not a douchebag and you should keep that in mind.

Click on my other posts on this subject if you care enough to do so. You'll find your answers there.

Being in the minority is an awesome place to be, sir. A lot of people love Bill Simmons and think he's a fuckin Oracle. I don't. A lot of people blather on about "Fuck the establishment!" and "Fuck big corporations!" and "The man is keepin us down!", I don't.

I said he was suspended for publicly and profanely (is that a word?) daring his bosses to rein him in. I totally agree with his opinion and sentiment. For the millionth time.

I think he's douchy because I think he believes I (or we) think he's so knowledgeable about the NBA and sports that we must want to know what he thinks about EVERYTHING. Obviously, many do. He is a wildly successful guy and I respect him and his sports knowledge. I just find him douchy. And what he did on his podcast

There is no hatred in my post. Read more of my posts on this issue if you want my opinion of the guy. I said he was douchy and self-important. I said he deserved to get suspended. That is all.

Haha, I never really thought about it. I've never identified myself as such, I'll tell you that. Maybe in some respects.. But I struggle with the relevance of my political affiliation to this discussion and therefore decline to go down this road.

If you're referring to the deleting of the podcast, I agree.

Really, dude?? He steals repeatedly. He stands on a table and yells a vulgar phrase that is offensive to women and others BECAUSE he was ACCUSED of rape and should therefore refrain from such idiocy. Listen to his repeated apologies, they are disingenuous. I would call him all those names even if I knew FOR A FACT he

I just think he's douchy because he is a Boston homer, and refuses to edit himself and trim the fat so I don't have to take 25 minutes out of my day to read a simple piece. Also I think he spreads himself too thin and should stick to sports and not include pop culture, movies and little political comments he sprinkles

I've caught a ration of shit on here for supporting his suspension because of his personal challenge to his bosses, but now it is they who have crossed the line. And now it is they who are making it personal. They've just made the same mistake he did.

I was not aware although that makes sense now that you mention it. Perhaps then it was ignorant of me to imply it unlikely that a Ghanian would have such a marvelous grasp of the language. Still, wherever he learned it he done learnt it good. Real good.

Excellent point. For that you get one yourself.

Not sure if you meant to reply to me, but I've already stated that I agree with his position and passion to cut through the bullshit and propaganda propagated by the NFL, Baltimore Ravens and quite possibly ESPN. He just strayed out of his lane by making it personal and goading his superiors. THAT was wrong.

+1 haha

I recommended your post because you didn't call me a name directly and it's witty. I may be self-important, but I'm not a douche bro. Not even close. You may disagree with me (wait, it seems you DEFINITELY disagree with me) and you definitely got a good barb in, but I don't think YOU'RE a douche because that was

Hmmmm...not sure whom I called an ignorant asshole, but okay.