
Touché. So maybe he was just misquoted/misrepresented by other media sources—I should consider this. Well, ESPN's "journalistic standards" apparently allow for things like parroting what Rice's camp told them and implying Ray Rice received unsolicited bribery texts from the Italian cookie guy so I guess if Simmons

Succinct. To the point.

Although I respect Simmons' sports knowledge, he too often comes off as a self-important douche (just take four hours and read one of his pieces). In this episode he comes off as an activist zealot and I think he got what he deserved for thumbing his nose at his bosses in such a fashion. The "fuckin bullshit" bombs

Correction: You could also be two or three of those things. Or if you're a transgender or hermaphrodite all five, I suppose. My sincerest apologies.

I know that the dudes in front of Smoke appeared to be traveling slower than Smoke when they drew near to Ward, and that the lack of both surface grip and downforce at low speeds make sprint cars very challenging to manipulate. I also know that despite the velocity stacks that can obscure one's view, and Ward's black

Sorry. Title IX rape case. You are correct, the authorities determined insufficient evidence exists to file criminal charges. But you're mincing words. It's an allegation of rape at the core of all this hullabaloo, no? And although the D.A. declined to file charges it does not necessary follow that this coddled,

Haha, you must be one of the apologists. Well, they don't just convene grand juries willy-nilly so I guess someone had some questions. Perhaps you were on the grand jury, though. If so, I defer to you, sir. And don't take it so hard, there are knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing fans of football, basketball, soccer,

Fair enough. I respect your opinion and appreciate the tète a tète. I've seen a sprint car in person but haven't sat in one and can't really appreciate the view from inside. It was dark, the kid was wearing a black firesuit (btw, how is something designed for safety not always a loud, bright color?) and I know the

Reminds me of one of my favorite MLB experiences. You know when jackasses run out on the field or court and interrupt a game? Be it streakers, drunk morons trying to shake hands, women trying to kiss players, meth-riddled nutjobs assaulting first base coaches or attorneys serving subpoenas—these incidents are normally

Tweeting and fucking hashtags from an attorney regarding a rape case? My god, Jameis thinks that's petty and juvenile. It's also untimely. Why "reveal" this now and not when it happened? This is turning into an A1 clusterfuck of scumbags. Can't wait for more!

Could be. Full disclosure: I have for some time believed Tony Stewart is an asshole. There is no doubt this is a factor in my conclusion. Before I'm attacked, I also believe that fact has not unduly influenced my view of this incident. But it was a factor. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall during the grand

A fair point. I'm operating under the assumption said enhancement provided a miniscule improvement and revealed nothing more damning or opposite. The real question is where's TMZ with that clip? Forthcoming, I assume.

I said "reasonable effort." That means not endangering other cars or your own car's occupants. Reasonable also accounts for reaction time and vehicle capabilities. A soccer mom in an Aerostar with four screaming kids in the car with a semi next to her has a less reasonable chance than an expert driver following other

Ok. I think he knew he bullied someone out of a line. I don't mean that as anything bad—it was just racing. No problem with that. I think as a sprint car expert he probably knew AT LEAST by the time he saw caution that the guy who wrecked was the guy he locked out of the line. Again, he is a sprint car dirt track

I would if he had a chance to avoid him and didn't try. He got cute and made the worst mistake in his life and will hurt forever because of it. Ray Rice meant to punch his fiancée in the face as hard as he could and didn't do time. Tony Stewart didn't mean to kill or even STRIKE the kid, I get it. But if a dude runs

But he doesn't have the ball! He's pretty big, though. Maybe it's in his fist.

Haha that is nice. Check my follow up comment. Just set a personal edit record. And check my post on the Pirates celebration story. It seems paraplegics don't wear prostheses. Where the F were you guys in the 15 minutes after I posted that? Now my ignorance is etched in stone for the world to see! Before it was just

Wow. I just learned a lot thanks to you. I changed it to Pollack only to learn that's a fish. Then I changed to Polack and learned that's basically the n-word for a Polish person. Pole it is. I hope.

Oh snap. Fixed. Big ups. Saw the Montanegrin reference and ran with it..

Goddamnit, first that Washington football outfit, now some giant Pole—can we quit disrespecting Native Americans already?