
Not sure which part of my post inspired your name-calling (maybe all of it), but if it's the NASCAR apologist description you should know I don't mean everyone who likes NASCAR, I'm only referring to the lowest common denominator bunch of which, judging by your apparent relative wit you are not a member. If it's my

Hope this starts an avalanche. Money talks and bullshit walks. Goodell better go buy himself some Asics.

Crazy. Musta been a grand jury of his peers i.e. knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing NASCAR apologist Jim-Bobs. Stewart didn't try to kill the dude but I am 100% sure he tried to kick up a little dirt and scare the dog piss out of him for having the stones to try to challenge the great Tony Stewart. I'm from Indy and I

I don't have a son, but if I did I don't think I'm ponyin' up 200k to spring him from the joint so he can go slap some more hoes around and one-eight-seven any more infants. Not even sure I'd accept the $5 phone call. Wild.

Ha! Fuckin' A—good catch. Saw the formidable flavor-saver but missed the shit-eating grin...

Ha, damn. This site is cool. Keep on keepin' on, brutha.

Alright...comfort, amenities, lack of piss troughs, blinky colorful Diamondvisions, WiFi, shiny things—all true. But I like rustic, simple beauty—the classic look and feel. And Old Style. Tastes so good in the Chicago summer afternoon sun. Tastes like donkey piss everywhere else, but sweet nectar in the friendly

A-ha, one of THOSE people. Probably donated to Zimmerman's "defense" fund...ha

Apparently it's not THAT good...as someone pointed out, paraplegics don't have prostheses. Whoops.

Ok, I'm coming down from the ledge. But seriously, if all those people gave the comment a thumbs up without seeing my error doesn't that mean we all aren't sufficiently aware of what it means to be 'paraplegic'?

ha, a guy who calls himself fat dug my cookie reference. And they're not even good cookies. Shit, Milkbones are superior.

Oh fuck. I guess I meant amputee, right? Well, at first I was pleased to see all the stars under my comment and now I'm just kinda sad no one seemed to notice my error. The handicapped are overlooked once again. Damn.

Dude. It's not like I expected a Ghanian lawyer to have a poor grasp of the English language but goddamn, this motherfucker can WRITE. I was just mesmerized by the verbal tapestry woven by the lawyer of a Ghanian soccer player accused of ritually sacrificing his rapper friend.

Well, I know when the actual NEWS media are trying to vilify a person/organization/political party they simply omit facts that either don't directly support or muddle their agenda. I imagine that's where ESPN got the idea.

Oh yeah??!? YEAH?? Well, I reckon...I reckon you oughtta just......fuuuck.

Only one injury away from losing Bridgewater? That's not good. A few weeks ago they were about FIFTEEN bloody injuries away from losing Adrian Peterson and look how that turned out.

Ragging on the Pittsburgh Pirates celebrating a playoff berth is like ragging on a paraplegic war veteran for celebrating taking his first steps with his new prosthesis. "Chill, dude—it's not like you're RUNNING."

Even if I humorously insulted Peter King I don't think I'd let anyone know I followed him on twitter.

The following Warrior poominaries are confirmed for the grand opening where Warrior executives promised to "blow the lid off the dump."

I'm no Big 14 apologist, but MSU is and has always been in East Lansing. Not sure whether it's older, but I'm pretty sure it's an accredited university.