
Well i happen to be one of those people, but i'm not going to buy something that's so insanely and unfairly priced. There's literally no sense to the pricing when alternate cards are much cheaper, yet provide the same storage. Gaming itself is a luxury, so to argue that "this is for those who can afford it" is

Lohan's lawsuit claims that GTA V character Lacey Jonas is based on her, in likeness and personal details.

If Sony would just stop fucking around with the memory card prices, then i might actually buy one. The amount of times i've stood in the store going "well this price isn't so bad" only to be bitchslapped by the pricetag on that 64 gb memory card... I've actually seen the machine for less than the price of that memory

Well, believe it or not, it did actually mess with me for a while, and then i bought a slim Xbox 360. For some reason though, it's been working perfectly the past many months. It was my main console for a good while! The Wii was the dusty console, but i got back into that in mid-2012 because of Xenoblade, and when i

It's not like i haven't tried it, i was simply implying that i didn't own it and there for didn't play it regularly. I have tried it several times as a kid and a few times as an adult. I was (still is) a fan of Pokémon back then, but this snooze-fest of a game had zero to no value next to a game like Stadium that


"This can't be the craziest thing you have ever heard of by a long shot, you are just caught up in your own sense of taste."

Many, many people asked for Pokémon Snap. One nomination earned 39 votes, another 60 votes, another 223, another 356!

Haha it's the cheapest model, notice the memory card - yeah it hasn't RROD on me. I think it's pretty amazing too.

Bam! Well console gaming isn't going anywhere as long as there's a demand for it, it's as simple as that :)

Oh and by the way... Here's the end of my bed. That i actually had to do this for you to calm down ... As you can see: The old 360, fat PS3, Wii and Wii U... i'm inclined to believe, that i do enjoy consoles.

I was trolling. The rest of it, you know the part where you like to think that i'm trying to enable some sort of console-holocaust, that's a lack of E-vitamins on your part. I'm going to be genuine here: how old are you? You can't honestly be wasting energy believing that there are people out there with such an

Are you being serious right now? You're not actually trolling me? You need to read my comments a few times, because there's a hidden message in there: i'm not actually one to believe in superiority between humans, and least of all represented by ones gaming preferences. That's uhm, how does one put it: fucking stupid.

I was under the impression that it was the ridiculous costs of a gaming-setup, but no i'm sure it's my comment that's the real reason why people aren't more inclined to buy gaming PC's

I don't really care, i've just always wanted to put this somewhere..

Ah yes how stupid of me to forget! And remember, in spite of it all being a single-player experience, the DRM is required for some reason.. Part of the games' architecture and the moon is made of cheese.. And naturally it will all be on servers that do not work properly, and as long as sales aren't slowing down and

Well i was sort of implying that. But yeah, i too am blaming EA for that.

In the meanwhile Maxis is pulling basic features from Sims 4, you're buying the same damn FIFA game for the 8th year in a row, and a new Battlefield is right around the corner in spite of all the issues with the 4th.

Wilson is a smart man, that's why he is the CEO (duh), but like any businessman he'll say things that

Well South Park was riddled with bugs. I reviewed it too, and my copy was full of issues like characters disappearing on screen and the game basically denying me progress. I didn't know anybody who DIDN'T experience bugs with that game. It certainly didn't take away from all the fun i had with it, but it was a product

It's funny how a game like Watch Dogs is pinned down without a numeric score, but when the numbers are attached it seems to score a solid streak of 8's and above; that's quite an impressive feat. I need to understand why there's such a split on this game, and why everyone who dislikes and (and seems to go truly in