
Shia Labeouf. Case closed.

Perhaps, but the word veteran WAS a word used for soldiers who retired. Today we use it for people who has been stationed for long time, and that's why i assume subscription time matters, although it's ridiculously flawed of course. I was hacked by goldfarmers many years ago, but because i was out travelling while it

I'm glad to hear about an actual goal in this game. I'm glad there's upgrades and co-op gameplay, and that everything isn't just a pretty picture. This is one of the most exciting titles in a long, long time!

Long time subscribers probably.

3rd game is preeetty!

She's a badass, but when are we going to see some of new characters? Anouma said there was a ton, but right now we know of 5. That's not really a lot. Well i guess it's more than the usual 1 you get to play as in Zelda...

No yeah definitely, that's what i meant by "depends on the country". It all regulates accordingly, but trust me, we can still feel the sting because food prices are intense. Everything is when you got perspective. Brand new retail games were 100 dollars for the longest time, but because import-prices are so cheap, a

Yeah i tried this the other day, and i was like "WHAT THE FUDGE?!" - i was up ahead in the 3rd lap, and i saw the blue shell icon behind me thinking "oh for fudge sake there goes 1st place" - but then nope! Low and behold i used a shroom and dodged it!

Yeah but our paychecks make up for it... We like to think. It is pricey, no matter how you look at it really. Companies like McDonalds and Burger King pay no taxes at all in Denmark, even though they make billions being here. It's complete bullshit.

What are you talking about?

I'm not trying to downplay 12 dollars, because it is absurd, but 12 dollars is less than a regular menu at McDonalds or Burger King in Denmark. The bigger burgers alone are 10 bucks and menus are like 15 dollars, so naturally that's a better buy if you want value for money. And this is suppose to be good meat right?

Yes but i'm not worried about development, i'm worried about sales :)

But doesn't Nintendo make a profit off software mainly? Wouldn't this just hurt them in the long run, since games would only have to be purchased once, and even at that, i know many people who buy a 3DS because of the games, not because they love handheld gaming.. sooo.. Wouldn't this potentially hurt hardware sales

Well. It looks really good, but i'm still not sure what the goal of the game is. I love exploration, so i'm sure this game will keep me in its worlds for a while, but maybe the novelty will wear off. I think Hello Games were smart to throw so much at us, without ever actually demanding our attention towards one thing.

Didn't something like this happen to some other big game once, where they chose to delay it so they could build a different ending or something?

Hahahaha that's stupid!

Waste of life.

I'm sorry Fahey, but shouldn't this rather be "The most popular current-gen console IN THE USA according to Facebook". I just kind of expected the world..

I'm trying to make my friend buy a Wii U and he's coming around! I mean for god sake, he has a fucking Zelda tattoo on his back, but he doesn't own a Wii U! But with Hyrule Warriors coming up, Smash and inevitably Zelda U, he says he's heavily considering it! My relationship with the Wii U has been seriously

This is such a weird game. I promise you, you can suck hours of fun out of this game, and that justifies a lot, but then - just like that - the novelty wears off and it's a drag. That's a personal opinion of course, but i feel it's like this because it throws so much at you for 5-6 hours and then you start realizing