
Well since I actually did hand my son down a Ranger I have to agree with you.

There appears to have been an implosion in her core.

I’m sure Fancy Kristen would simply have her yacht submerge to avoid the weather, as of course it’s also a submarine. Cruise ships are for the poors.

Your keystrokes to God’s inbox.

Groovy baby.

Am I the only one who actually uses Edge and thinks it’s Ok?

Just get Fancy Kristen to buy these for you.

Not in sufficient quantities. Low taxes don’t lend themselves to winter preparedness, and it doesn’t happen often.

1st: I never thought I’d see the price of GM cobalts go up.

I know you’re right on the first part, and you’re making a good joke about the second, but there are honestly Trump supporters who’d be fine if we just never had another election. That’s a little scary.

Terrific. Yet another fantastically destructive weapon that Trump will have command of but no concept of its capabilities or the consequences of its use. I feel better already.

Vietnam would have been over in ‘69 if then candidate Nixon hadn’t convinced the south to hang on until he won with the promise of a better deal, which of course he couldn’t deliver. And the social programs may well have happened anyway, the country was simply more progressive politically than now.

So how much actual snow was there? I mean I know any snow is tough to drive in, but to my Midwestern eyes this doesn’t look all that bad.

But did you warm it up?

Depends. How big is his button?

The best kind of insane.

Yes but artisinal gas nozzles..

We found the true Jalop here.

Nice truck

Something something heavenly bodies