
There’s no shiny like 70s car ads shiny.

The guy in the audio who said it was probably a tie rod end should not be allowed around tools.

It’s amazing what you can do when you can get overnight parts from Japan.

I’d love to see a modern take on this. One of the prettiest designs of my lifetime. Sadly I’m sure that modern safety regs and the crossover coupacolypse will preclude it.

She’s pale enough to ride in the back.

Customer vehicles? Cheapest I can get. 95% of customers care about price and nothing else. I almost never have to redo a steering suspension job under warranty anyway. Most people don’t keep a vehicle long enough.

I’m not say THAT Trump is acting on Russia’s behalf to destroy American leadership in the world. I’m just saying that IF that’s what he were doing this is what it’d look like.

I would happily trade the “real people” for her. Patronizing is still better than manipulative.

The trucks were bad for that too. Even easier to change though.

I love first gen Celicas and wish they’d make Toyota designers stare at them for an hour a day before they start drawing, but this is a little steep for a car that still needs work. Maybe at 7500. CP

Seriously folks can we keep politics out of something, anything, and just have a good time?

I live near Owensboro and the sense of loss in the area among motor sport fans as well as the general public is palpable. RIP.

I voted for the crook, but I admit it was because I saw her as the lesser of two evils. The truth is as I was telling an old friend before the election: the two party system has failed us and we have failed our children.

Car respect, man.

Try replacing the battery.

I’d take a chance on her. Probably be my Waterloo but mamma mia.

+1 for “ass-expensive “


I’d love to see something like this as a BRZ competitor but it won’t happen.