
Somebody help me here: what’s the purpose of rear fog lights? Just backing up in fog? Is that a big problem in Europe? Not being snarky just curious.

This is a very easy problem to fix. Simply don’t tell Trump anything you don’t want to read in the paper tomorrow. Or on twitter at 3am.

Don’t be ridiculous. We’re giving Wall Street tax breaks to do all that.

Ah yes, the legendary St. Vitara’s dance.

Anyone want to give odds on there being a next generation Mustang now? I’m afraid if it isn’t a semi autonomous electric Tesla wannabe nobody will green light it.

Have some experience with these in generators too.

Please give her our jalop best. I hope she doesn’t take any of the current news personally just as I hope I wouldn’t be judged on the actions of the US administration by someone from another country.

No. The Russians fly actual nuclear stand off attack capable bombers, not recon planes, this close to the continental US all the time. Our people intercept them professionally and within accepted guidelines for this sort of thing. PLAAF were being assholes pure and simple.

Resto mod a first gen Mustang/Camaro/Charger/etc. Style, room if you go for say a Chevelle, parts are cheap, burnouts, at least as safe as an old Z car.

Well the 300 started life in ‘55 as a high end full size performance car. Only fitting that there’s a modern incarnation. Wonder if Hurst can make a shifter compatible with whatever electronic control system Chrysler uses?

Thanks for all the effort you put into this. It’s obvious you’re well versed in the subject and brought good examples to back up your position. To clarify my own, I’m not necessarily advocating protecting a given job, like the familiar buggy whip example, rather what can we do generally to promote retention of

You took the time and I imagine there’s some risk in saying anything in your position, so that’s something.

Sadly I believe that you are probably right. Which is going to leave a momentous decision in the hands of a commander in chief whom I believe is not qualified to make it.

Not really germane to the topic, but I keep my wallet in my pants pocket all the time. None of my 3 sons do. Is this a generational thing?

Thanks for your input from an inside perspective. If you have any other details you can safely share I’m sure we’d be interested. Best of luck.

Well if Beijing wants them gone they have an incentive to put even more pressure on Kim.

Thanks for that info and perspective. So serious non-Bernie fan question; how do we encourage domestic corporations to not boost short term profits and stock prices by outsourcing middle class jobs to low wage markets? Assuming we agree that’s bad for the country in the first place.

In principle you can’t argue with that position.

I’m certain you’re correct, my Econ classes were long ago and at the time Friedman was the proponent of this idea that we were exposed to and hence I remember him for that. Plenty of short sighted thinking to go around.

Oh please understand I didn’t mean to imply that there were never robber baron types in American business. And Henry was certainly no saint. Just that in the fairly recent past, around the start of the postwar economic boom, corporations had a broader societal perspective than they did in the 70s until now. Personally