
Ok thanks makes some sense now.

Most of that engine is bulletproof. Cooling system otoh is a problem. This ones probably fine at those low miles but I've seen a lot of these overheat as they get older. Head gaskets pretty easy if you catch it in time.

I promise I’m not trying to troll you here, but from what I understand the people that live there consider themselves British, speak English, and want to stay in the UK. So why fight it?

Get a heater bypass hose assembly now and save yourself a couple days order time when you need one.

We're gonna need a bigger blog.

What you said. Oil is cheap. Stuff that gets gummed up from old oil isn't.

Hell I’m an American and I wish they'd built it too.

Corolla. Been making that 1.8 liter 4 since Noah used one as an aux power unit on the ark. There are approximately 4 1/2 of them for every vertebrate on earth. Every mechanic has worked on one and they don't have any common fatal issues. My go to recommendation for non car folk.

You have to look at all “classic” works of art, from the renaissance to the Beatles, in the context of what else was happening at the same time. Movies in the 70s were, by and large, terrible. Boring, preachy, depressing junk. Not all of it, sure, but most. And then came Star Wars. The first really fun movie I can

Yes. Yes he is. And he’s right.

So, you’re thinking that our overwhelming naval superiority makes war with a near peer state like the PRC much more unlikely? And that it’s in our best interests, and the interest of world peace and stability, to maintain that superiority?

What's the urgency about the filter? Scheduled maintenance or do you have a problem?

I like the old 300 I-6 too. Had one in an F150. But if you’re planning any kind of build the 302 is a much better bet.

Thanks very much. He is gone now but whatever little enlightenment I can claim I credit to him.

My dad had his best buddy killed right next to him by a kamikaze. Bought a Mitsubishi. He was at the surrender and he thought they'd been punished enough. But I see your point on this.

Completely right. There’s a rational, intelligent candidate running on the democratic side who’s in favor of prison and tax reform, not getting involved in foreign wars that don’t threaten our interests, opposition to the Iran deal on logical grounds, and a strong but well reasoned national defense whom no one talks

Nice job. The distributor gaskets on these are prone to leaking, wouldn't surprise me if that's part of the issue. Valve cover too of course.

I gotta tell you I'm really nervous about the future. All our eggs are in the F35s basket. If we get a conflict with a peer or near peer state in say 10 years? Maybe less? Will we have the fighters to even ensure continental air defense, let alone overseas operations? A fleet of updated F15s or super hornets and more

Looks like an Aston Martin to me.

We get quite a few in the shop that are leaking from the plug. We won't repair a tire that's been rope plugged.