
It's so bizarre that his image was still so positive until just recently- we knew a DECADE ago 13-14 women came forward for the civil suit. Did people just think that was, like, not something that really happened? Three of them made public statements! They were known associates of his, with professional careers and

Just glittered some letters for my friend's Christmas wedding so currently my fingers look like this.

Without a doubt.




Before someone makes the argument that her silence allowed Bill Cosby to continue raping women, does anyone really think that he or anyone else would have listened to her or taken her side of the story? It would have been Camille Cosby is just a gold digger trying to get more money out of the divorce or some other

i had almost forgotten about nickleback. and this is how you remind me.

He's like a buffer better-looking Justin Long.

OK, here's the deal. You're welcome to use the comments to call me an idiot, a hateful little man, The Real Racist, whatever. But, please cool it with the "DURR THAT MOM IS HOT I'D BANG HER" takes, OK? That shit is gross, and I'm gonna ban you if you post it here.

At this time last year, if you had tried to talk to me about issues of social justice and inequality, I probably would've brushed you off and told you the the LGBT community is doing pretty well for themselves. At this time last year, if you were to ask what I knew of transgender issues, I couldn't name one. I

It was destinee.

As fate would have it, FIB II is on RIGHT NOW.

Let's hear it for the wheel women.


What about those of us who are actually robots hmmmm? #notallrobots

When people use the phrase "real women" they are telling a segment of the population that they aren't real, and it is completely okay for those women to get upset.


Her joyfulness is pretty wonderful, isn't it? Weirdly, it's not the nakedness that make the pictures worth looking at—what makes them so compelling is the fact that she's clearly having enormous, mischievous fun. It's oddly charming.