Cruz’s beard somehow makes his face look more evil, but also less punchable. Does anyone else get a vibe like that? I don’t know what to make of it.
Cruz’s beard somehow makes his face look more evil, but also less punchable. Does anyone else get a vibe like that? I don’t know what to make of it.
Living for this. I live in Vancouver and I work in film so I’ve ended crewing on a few Hallmarks this year. Here are some things I learned:
Yeah, I’ve been lukewarm on her for a few years now because she seems to always “clap back” at people for the most innocuous things. I was super surprised too and thought it was a photoshopped reply when I saw it as a screenshot through someone else. Went and digged for it myself and let the disappointment sink in.
I like vanilla milkshakes.
Lmfao! In a nutshell! Who is he writing these articles for????
Bless your heart, Rich.
Right? I don’t see young cis pop stars being asked shit like “Do you like reverse cowgirl?” or whatever.
I wrote this:
It feels as though, with Rich’s “articles”, we’re watching in real time as someone assembles the portfolio of crassly abusive and arguably homophobic opinion pieces that, some years from now, will be presented as supporting evidence in articles on sites just like this demanding his public shunning...
Sorry, Rich, this is as bad a take as endorsing Dale Peck’s disgraceful hit piece on Pete Buttigieg last month.
eh, i agree with sivan. i think asking such a question reveals more about the person asking then the person replying. did anyone ask Michael sheen in masters of sex if he would like to be pegged?
Lana Del Rey sings pretty explicitly about sex. It would still look weird to see a male journalist go “how do you like to fuck, though?”
This is absurd. A journalist asking what an artist likes to do in bed is absolutely crossing a line and sounds like shitty gossip rag journalism. That point about Madonna being asked the same question and her willing to give an answer isn’t analogous imo because it was asked about her alter ego (i.e., a fictional…
How does writing a song about bottoming give anyone the right to pry into this guy’s sex life? He wrote about it on his own terms, but that doesn’t mean he loses all right to privacy or that people/strangers can ask about it. If a woman, say, takes a nude photo of herself does that mean that anyone who photographs her…
Eh the death penalty is barbaric, even for monsters such as this. I hope he dies after many years in a depressing solitary prison cell with only his thoughts. If anything, him killing himself is too quick of an out.
Wait, are you me because that is exactly what happened to me. And then last night I discovered some show called The Romanoffs. I haven’t decided how I feel about that one yet though.
Oh my god I was SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS and then I started it and suddenly this dude was being interviewed and I was like WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING and honestly it ruined everything for me, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Seriously, even another conservative Republican would be better than Mitch McConnell. NIXON in his prime would be better than Mitch. She can say whatever she wants just so she gets a shot at taking that treasonous bastard down.