Who knew there was a Venn diagram of “ecclesiastical vestments” and “H&M capsule collection by up-and-coming Japanese fuccboi designer,” and Jude Law was in the middle of it?
Who knew there was a Venn diagram of “ecclesiastical vestments” and “H&M capsule collection by up-and-coming Japanese fuccboi designer,” and Jude Law was in the middle of it?
My childhood food stuff sounds very similar to yours: my mother has very 80s-90s disordered food weirdness (lots of grapefruit, lots of yogurt, lots of non-fat versions of unhealthy foods that taste like chalk) and her mother was almost certainly anorexic in the Cold War/Betty Draper/cigarettes and amphetamines for…
idk humans have practiced abortions since organized societies have existed and probably before. I personally think abortion is a heavy, personal, somewhat morally fraught decision, but my opinion on abortion doesn’t mean jack shit because I am a non-uterus owning individual who sleeps with non-uterus owning…
If this report is as exonerating as has been claimed, good. No one benefits from the presence in the White House of a wholly illegitimate president. It also doesn’t mean he’s not a complete piece of garbage and our worst president in history by a fat margin, and there have been some bad ones. “Not a Manchurian…
I honestly rarely respond to trolls but the comment was just so pearl-clutchingly hypocritical I couldn’t resist
“Fucking” has seven letters, but I did have to find a nice conservative to tell me that as silly, leftist ole me can’t count past three.
If anyone deserves deep misery it’s Ann Coulter but sweet Jesus that’s fucking bleak
Based on everything I’ve heard and read, which is entirely too much, “crank 2 feet long with the girth of a subway sandwich” seems to be the situation re: Pete.
Yeah and he dated a teenage model pretty recently (this summer? two years ago? who knows anymore) so I’d classify this as “it’s shocking but I’m not shocked.”
“smegmoid” realllllly worked for me
That somehow stale decayed mothball-y smell. With oceans of ‘80s designer cologne over the top, Armani or something similar. And hairspray.
Daniel Day-Lewis be looking like that guy sketching in the art school quad and you’re not sure he’s a student? But he’s also definitely not a professor?? Either way he remembers when this town had, like, character.
I wish them every happiness, but nothing about this setup screams “marital longevity,” does it? Though I suppose marriages don’t have to last til death to be successful, as Dan Savage puts it, and they’re both certainly getting a fuck-ton of career momentum (and sweet, sweet attention) out of theirs.
That Onion article about “local mom knows what should be in poor person’s shopping cart” really is evergreen.
This, definitively, ain’t it chief
My gay ass was secretly relieved at this rule
Confirming my theory that punks can be pretty cool but most of them are shitheels.
I think Carter gets short shrift in his presidential reputation. That said, no one would rank him among the greats, or probably the top half. But his post-presidency has probably been the greatest of any American president.
Man, it’s global. Europe’s a dog-and-pony show, China is getting back to its roots as an oppressive hegemon. White Americans are certainly making a lovely shit salad of our nation but you can’t really say this atavistic rage is confined to that demographic.
In the past three years I’ve gone from really wanting a family one day to thinking it’s morally wrong to have children. How can we subject another generation to the waking hell we’ve created?