
The only crucial take, frankly.

horny 4 The Four Hundred

Or was married to a homosexual when she was 12 and he was 14, and smothered him following his aged father’s death, seizing power in the name of her infant son (whose paternity is suspicious at best).

Mercedes is actually called Mercedes bc one of the founders had a daughter by that name and named his cars after her.

I just wanna hear someone with a southie accent say “pressuh washah” on loop

She wears matching hats and coats in bright colors so she can be easily seen in large crowds, which I find to be cute as heck.

My worry with earplugs is that I’ll sleep through my alarm. Has this been an issue for you?

I think it’s less that men are literally saying “bitch you vote how I vote”, though I’m sure that happens, than women utterly trapped within the most oppressive version of the patriarchy essentially Stockholm syndrome themselves into believing that feminism is evil, that libs are retards, that there’s nothing wrong

It’s like the man’s never heard two people speak to each other.

And who can blame them? I’m by my absolute nature a conservative person, but I’ve moved quite a bit left in the last few years, as I think have many people of my disposition and upbringing. My father voted for the Democrat in our state’s special election recently because the Republican candidate was an absolutely

Evangelical Pentecostal nitwits are the heart of this. Mainline Protestant (Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregationalist) churchgoers tend to be suuuuuuuuuuuuuper liberal.

Well people by-and-large fly fish on moving water (rivers, creeks) and use spinning tackle on lakes and ponds. Not that people don’t sometimes fly fish on lakes. It seems to be a preference, and is thought of more as “real fishing” since it’s more skill-oriented than spinning tackle fishing, which has more luck

In Montana, where I live, pretty much everybody fly fishes. It’s not a “class thing” at all. Granted, that’s because the whole “untouched wilderness” aspect is just where we live and not somewhere that requires three flights and a week of accommodations to get to.

I mean of course there is, but maybe it shouldn’t continue. All of the examples you mention are good ones, but I think there’s been a watershed moment recently in how these situations are spoken about, and how they’re viewed culturally. Because we’ve all, as a society (Anita Hill and the whole Lewinsky thing come to

Paging Alan Dershowitz

When I was in 8th grade I fancied myself quite the Young Conservative Intellectual. I loved giving self-important lectures on how dismantling the welfare state would break the poor of their inherent sloth.

But doesn’t him staying in the Senate “advocating for women’s rights” ring extremely hollow and hypocritical in light of the revelations about him? “Going high” doesn’t resonate with voters apparently but they HATE hypocrisy.

tbt to the pretzel thing

1. Doubloons made me chuckle

I wouldn’t kick either of them out of bed. Either, both, I’m not picky.