
Not to be, like, a dick, but since World War II what happens in American politics IS world politics. For better or for worse, our government is the world’s most influential.

My body is so ready

Sebastian Stan tho mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

There’s been a general consensus that Matt Lauer is a fucking creep for years. I remember being a little kid and my mom refusing to watch any news segment with him in it bc she thought he seemed like a cretin.

Wow that was a train wreck, huh? Like I’m not trying to be an ageist asshole or anything and Christina Ricci looks better than I ever will, but she’s just hard to buy as 17 at this point. That’s not even to discuss the general overall awfulness.

Imagine being asked to practice your art and craft at the White House, only to show up and have Melania scowl at you like you took a shit on the floor.

Idk, 11 is around when those bizarre and uncomfortable growth spurts start happening. I feel really bad for this poor kid :(

Are you my professor? Because this is exactly the case. It’s rather heartbreaking to watch.

I’ve got this dude in ALL of my classes currently. I honestly think he may be on the spectrum in some sense so you sort of feel badly for him, but Jesus H. Christ, the endlessly unfunny/too personal/pompous/bizarre “contributions” are physically and emotionally draining.

This must bug Trump so badly too. His lifelong, utterly failed campaign to join the Establishment is the central animus of his pathetic existence. He’s in the White House and STILL not a member of the club.

all of those headlines made me want to vomit & die

My Fellow College Students are getting very very nostalgic about the time between Y2K and the start of the Iraq War. Britney! Justin! Stringy-ass scarves! Legally Blonde! Halter tops!

Lord, do not try roast people if you cannot spell.

In my personal experience, of course this is anecdotal, don’t want to offend anyone etc etc, gay Republicans are usually real big psychos.

If Pence ends up president, I’m going back in the closet. Cowardly, yeah. But at least I won’t be dead. Probably. Right?

Imagine if his dad had ever been nice to him, he’d be a moderately wealthy suburban grandpa with some nice hobbies.

By the time he said this to her, Bill Gates was already super fucking rich. Also Larry Ellis. Also I’m pretty sure there was a Getty or two still kicking around in the 90s so Donny wasn’t (and never has been) even top 10. Probably not top 100.

OK, thank you. In the all the weirdness of 2017 I guess my recent sex crush on Megyn Kelly’s husband shouldn’t be surprising

Whoo that shaving scene. Help me Jesus

Some say he commissioned it to get the clergy off his back about the whole “Loras & Renly 4 eva” thing he had going on.