In the Cayman Islands drink prices were the highest I’ve ever experienced. $14.95 for a well G&T. Bonkers.
In the Cayman Islands drink prices were the highest I’ve ever experienced. $14.95 for a well G&T. Bonkers.
America too. Possibly more so. Country club types with multiple houses will insist from cradle to grave they are “ordinary middle class people”. I think they believe it too.
You’re shitting me.
Joe McCarthy never sat at the Resolute Desk, fortunately.
I’m just glad my grandfather is dead because it would break his heart to see the forces he fought in the mud and snow and blood take over his country.
It’s pretty cool how a woman is her father’s property until she gets married, and then she’s her husband’s. Fucking dope.
And The Bushes™ hate Orange Julius more than almost anybody else so I don’t think that’s far-fetched.
Today I felt hope for the first time since November 9. So that’s something, at least.
It’s very NYC socialite 1970
“Supermodel” is a strong term for Melania.
I’m actually pretty business-friendly politically. Not at the expense of people’s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, but relatively pro-business.
Well I’ll be god damned.
I hadn’t thought much of or about Cindy McCain until I read the oral history of the Daily Show over the holidays, she’s interviewed in the book and comes across much cooler and more grounded than the mental image I’d had of her.
I was trying to remember what mind bogglingly-ass hattish thing he’d said the other day and that was it! Thank you for reminding me!
You’re right, I’m just angry. There’s no reason for me to indulge in slut-shaming because I differ politically with her husband.
The racism that allows people to say they can’t wait for the First Lady to be glamorous and elegant again instead of “that ape in heels” astounds me. She’s a whore. She’s a mail-order bride who MIGHT have a high school education and certainly lied under oath about having an architecture degree from a university in…
Kylie and Barron make me so sad.
They hate us too. Loathe us so much that they’ll literally destroy this country just to poke us in the eye. It tarnishes our liberal bona-fides to think or say this, but fuck those stupid ignorant racist homophobic misogynistic redneck fucks. Their society is corrosive, backward, and unsustainable. I want no part in…
I don’t think they’re bad people. I think in many ways HW is exactly the kind of conservative we need in America and don’t seem to have anymore.
Idk, we all keep crowing about how no one’s gonna show up, but if this past year has taught me anything, it’s that I don’t know jack shit.