
Bless you for your screen name.

Too bad Joan Crawford’s dead, she’s a shoe-in for Evil Queen.

It can be difficult to call someone a different name as a family member when you’re used to calling them by their original name. My 5-year-old cousin decided that in the future, he would like to be called Jack. Everyone ran with it, it wasn’t a big deal, if the kid wants to be called Jack why the hell not? But it

My condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones at this difficult time. #ripjulianne #rhizusforever

She’s gorgeous.

You’re new, huh?


There was this little nook between two columns on my childhood front porch and my favorite thing in the world was taking an ice cream sandwich and a Harry Potter book and tucking myself in there for hours.

Quelle superb.

Keeping that hot tub clean must be no small task.

Henry works directly with Nelson Rockefeller. I’m sure the parallels aren’t accidental.

Chris Pratt can remove his pants in front of me as often as he feels he needs to. This has been my contribution to the discourse.

And wasn’t it like a year-plus ago? I’m sorry, but by the first breakup anniversary you at least need some more topics of conversation than just your ex.

But I love my Sketchers.

She made the right decision for her. That headhunter told her she’d quadruple her value in as many years at McCann, if she wants to be a creative director she’s on the right track.

I absolutely agree, but in the end I think it becomes clear that it’s not an emotionally healthy or sustainable model, and the show really really deconstructs that mythos as it goes on.

The thing is, the central tenet of the show is that it presents how grossly misogynistic it was, and a lot of misogynists watch it and miss that it isn’t glorifying but condemning this lifestyle and time.

Rihanna is Khaleesi.

They don’t seem that perturbed that they’re floating down a river either

I prefer Major Obvious, I think, because of the extra level of punniness