I know. Like, yeah it's North Fucking Korea so expectations are low, but JESUS CHRIST HE'S SMOKING IN AN ORPHANAGE. wut
I know. Like, yeah it's North Fucking Korea so expectations are low, but JESUS CHRIST HE'S SMOKING IN AN ORPHANAGE. wut
I'm pretty sure you have to possess dignity in the first place in order to be able to sell it.
Thank god he's a chill non-creep. Otherwise this ad would be really fucked up.
She should be flattered. It's not like she's getting any younger!
Each year, without fail, on December 22nd OfficialPreppyPater goes "Dammit, Christmas is in three days. Where do they sell perfume in this damn town?!"
I was in TJ Maxx killing time yesterday and there were packs of feral humans clawing at the empty shelves. It was terrifying.
Obviously religion is a beautiful and important part of the lives of many, and it is a fundamental principle of our society that you may worship the way you choose, but lol Mormons are fucking crazy.
I know someone who knows Dubya from way back, and apparently he's a fun dude. That, however, is not a great qualification for the presidency.
I mean yes, ideally we should, but politics is a dirty business.
He was a completely qualified candidate. Palin was....not.
My thoughts exactly. No one looks good here. Not Anonymous, not Iggy Azalea, not Azalea Banks.
I appreciate your civility. And to be honest, I'm not Obama's biggest fan. I'd vote for him again if I could go back to 2012, but that's more due to my dislike of certain aspects of Romney's policy positions than an overt love for Obama. Truthfully, my primary reason for voting for Obama was his stance on LGBT+…
I think McCain is an intelligent and honor-bound man, but I think that he's a dyed-in-the-wool hawk, and although there have been foreign policy debacles vis-a-vis the Syria mess, the fewer troops on the ground in foreign countries the better, period. I also think that gay rights would not have progressed to the same…
Why thank you! I flatter myself that it's clever.
I think being president is hard as fuck and so I cut the man some slack, and also try to remember that it was this or McCain. Or Mittens. So as much as a ton of stuff is not great, I try to take breaths and remember that he's about as good as it's realistically gonna get.
I'm actually really not looking forward to graduating college and losing access to a pretty sweet fitness center. I know I'll have to shell out for some shitty crowded Access Fitness type place with broken everything.
The very type indeed. Also stalking R&B queens of the mid-aughts and/or founding murder cults tend to be craziness tip-offs.
You can always tell someone is balls-to-the-wall nuts when they represent themselves in court.
Oh good.