
Wrong! It's only been there for a few thousand years! God, uh put it there to test us. There is no such thing as 200-million years ago, and you can't prove it!

"rescues a beautiful stranger"

Cavill looks intensely uncomfortable in that outfit. I mean obviously he is, but he can't even hide it in that photo. Also, the bulge. Though I like the colour much more in that suit - the colours on the Routh one are way too bright.

And people think the French are wussies.

I'll start littering right away. For nature.

I didn't see it, was it her or the character? I thought it was really cool that she was in there, but her 'joke' in the previews was her kid doing the 'repeat everything I'm saying' gag that got old the first time it was ever used in history.

RFA makes a Home account - posts his character online:

That's a bit reassuring. Legacy wasn't written too well, but had several gems.

I made a similar comment on another site, I bet you stole it.

Sarcasm. And it's not surprising at all for Kotaku East. It's about otaku culture, and this applies. Is it possible that you're looking for Kotaku Core?

If only she actually had them in the show.

First day on the internet?

Tell that to the Chrono Trigger 3D remake people.

How would they ever be able to sell this for money? Now that they've been shouted out on Kotaku, I bet a C&D isn't far off as is.

It's so good that you won't even care if the scene makes any sense at all.

Ask a friend? Or a stranger? It's kind of peculiar that they apparently had no options whatsoever. Hell, I would have emailed Kotaku a day before about a KS off by $28. I can see the headline now "Help this poor kickstarter off its 50k goal by only 28$".

Checkmate, atheists.

It's still mostly good, they're just getting way too exposition-happy.

I don't think it's actually meant to be marketed as a lamp, if at all. Did it even shine light in his face?