
It's pretty good, haven't played it in awhile, but I liked it a lot.

Now playing

They don't need a Star Wars world, just a door. The door in a final castle area near the end opens, and Duel of the Fates starts.

That clears up a bit, Chain Days and Coded were the worst offenders. I don't mind returning to Olympus and Agrabah now and again as long as their are new ones alongside.

I'd say 2 and Birth by Sleep are the best. It took some time for them to get going, but now they really don't need the Disney too much any more, they've built up their own worlds and cast enough that a KH-only game would stand just fine by itself.

I'm so sorry everyone.

What a bad teaser, but as long as it says 'In Development' at the end, that's all that matters.

I want a new Extreme G game.

Will I be able to watch it live on my PS3?

I'm wondering if it's a test run to set him up for the film, which would be goddamn great. I don't want him to do a Snake impression, I'd rather they just tear the bandaid off and introduce a new voice, if they're going to leave Hayter behind.

Or the story of how her POV got flipturned upside down.

You jerk, I saw the video thumbnail and thought it was gonna be Tori no Uta.

I sort of agree. They should have known it would be taken out of context as a rape joke by sensationalist media and Twitter, but the intention of course was not to make a comparison to sexual assault, just to say 'you can't win'.

How insulting to that Legacy.

No, I think that's it. Still says HL4 on the page and stuff. Just looks like they tried to remove it, y'know?

A few days ago my Top Kotaku RSS feed stopped working, I'm guessing at the time of the redesign.

I dunno, I'd call it bittersweet, it's not exactly tragic. Now Birth's ending... and Days' ending....

Does that book say "one week earler?"

This isn't what the article is about at all, but what Kingdom Hearts needs is a customizable team. Take Beast to Olympus, take Mulan to The Grid (it's coming back shut up T_T). Or after 3D, I'd pretty much take partying with Disney characters back in any form. No more stupid monsters, the heartless and unversed

Step 1: Get big beautiful, real Pokemon game made for WiiU

Well it would fly right under the radar, unless of course some high-traffic websites gave it some unsolicited attention.