
Holy christ - as if texting and driving wasn't bad enough, now idiots like this are driving with fucking televisions in front of their eyes. Look, when you are in control of two tons of steel and plastic moving at sixty miles an hour, you have ONE FUCKING JOB - not murdering someone else with your two tons of steel

Mastery of atomic structure. Without question.

I'm sure I'll get flak for this, but while it didn't have the intriguing ESP angle of the original, I thought that artistically, stylistically and in pure terror/horror terms, the US remake of The Ring was a fine modern horror film and scarier to boot.

Every time I hear "angry bat growl" I laugh, which is exactly why I hate it. It's jarringly silly in a movie that very much isn't. The version done here is much easier to take.

Totally need the boys version.

You know how to deal with this. Fuck these guys.

ah I forgot: It's the internet and impossible to talk about the films without some prequels-bashing.

Thank you, Thank you. I'll be here all week!

Yeah, that's disappointing. Why can Hollywood have scientists exploring simply for the sake of gaining knowledge? This reminds me, of all films, of the Time Machine remake and how the producers added the element of the dead girlfriend rather than the protagonist inventing the machine simply for exploration.

What's this? 'Extremely high voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, 'cause I'm Homer Simp-!”―Frank Grimes, just before his death

How on earth is this better than any official Transformers media?

Life is too short to wear boring clothes.

I normally don't want to link to Maddox site. But from following that fanpage. I kinda agree a bit with what he is saying. A lot of the posts and images posted is not science.

There is no purpose to reading any more comments. This is all I needed.

I know you NSA guys are watching through my webcam right now.

So the fight choreography was a bit wonky. The movie was still good.

Still hoping fron TRON 3. I loved "Legacy" and quite enjoy "Oblvion", you could call me a fan of his work.

Oh, she's worth it. She's WAY worth it.

A lot of you seem to be calling him out on doing past works with him doing exactly what he's pointing out here. Instead of giving him props for being real during a time when most actors do nothing but shill their movie, you try to get super critical about something he did in the past when he possibly didn't feel that