
I went digging through looking for a comment about the baby. That's pretty much all that I was thinking about.

Didn't you have a star before?

I gotta watch Encounters at the End of the World again.

I rolled my eyes anyways.

In Batman, and even Memento, I'm with you there. My heart twinged a few times in Inception, but I recognized it as the actor's achievements in those moments. Especially Mal. The glare when she watches them go up through the elevator door is terrifying.

Yeah, just a dream. I'd never imagine that he'd have agreed even if they had gone out to him from the ground level.

I'd recommend it, I think they've really improved each time. The first two are still strange treats, but it feels like the movies have found where they ought to be since Abrams got involved.

And it absolutely murders immersion in the film. If the dialogue were ten times better in Ep 1-3, you still wouldn't get proper enjoyment out of it because your eyes would constantly be telling you to notice that something is out of place.

Dream choices, anyone?

Kotaku Core is what you're looking for.

I think I'd prefer Yoshi talking every five seconds over Baby Mario making another noise, ever.

Bit late to this party since I finally just saw it, but I thought their graphical view of what Q was doing was outrageous, and I know absolutely nothing about hacking. Further, I thought they missed a great opportunity to do a callback to Bond and Q's banter from the Art Gallery -

A lot of talk about how Nolan's series isn't meant to blend with the supernatural subject matter in the rest of the DC universe, and that's very true. But doesn't that also depend on how they handle Justice League? Nolan was creatively in charge of Man of Steel as well, and I wouldn't be too surprised if the

But then he has nothing to complain about. See the problem?

Somebody get Google on the phone.

Will these work with Katawa Shoujo fanfiction?

It was just a matter of finding the I&S Land reference. I knew there had to be at least one. Well done.

Got Gizmodo on this?

I wouldn't call that scene frivolous, it was pretty important as I recall. A major turning point in the story, wasn't it? Gotta watch again.

'Hero' in the title? I hope these scum are sued into oblivion. What kind of disgusting subhuman would think about sharing a word in common with an existing trademarked title?