
Maybe it would be more classy to not ask for a credit at all, and to not have spelling and grammar errors plaguing the entire thing.

That's quite a loaded question there. If I don't hate the title, then I love everything they do?

It's the point of the letter from SE - the first half was about the announcement, the second half was the same-sex issue. First half of the article title about the announcement, the second half was the same-sex issue.

I'm always relieved when I can find someone on the internet who doesn't have to worry about having faulty opinions like the rest of us, and can tell me what the absolute right thing to think is. Thanks for educating me - I'll be sure to stop myself from enjoying Clone Wars right away.

We live in a fun world, don't we?

Really? Sounded like it was literally a lost track from Fragile to me. At the 30 and 1:30 second marks, I thought it was about to just say fuck it and go right into 'Just Like You Imagined'.

What's that?

I also have a while belly.

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

Only one I've seen was Cannibal Holocaust. The animal scenes make me squirm slightly.



Wrong. Then how come the ocean doesn't electrify all the fish and people?

I would get PPV to watch that episode.

This post is funny.

They have little legs?? Cute!

But I just bought one a few days ago! Did they count it??

Ars Technica has a fantastic review. Peter knows what he's doing.

Great AC line, I remember seeing it that night, too.

Many console ads are awful.