
I think you’re either misreading or referring to something else when you link to that Reddit thread of Reylos.

I’ve never played an Alan Wake game (generally don’t do horror) but this performance has me wondering if I should reevaluate.

Someone once asked me why people get hyped for Nintendo Directs but get annoyed at TGA being just a trailer/ad fest, and I still think TGA cosplaying as something more meaningful really is the crux of it.

Such a shame, I really enjoyed the mode much more than Warzone 2.0, which just didn’t grab me the way the first one did. I felt like it had the potential to be to extraction shooters what Fortnite and Warzone had been to BR; capture the same rush, but make it more accessible to a wider audience.

I know some people who are going to be stoked about this, but not because they play (they don’t) but just because of how much they joke about this meme.

This doesn’t seem perfectly balanced

I don’t claim to understand too much about current SBMM, but I feel like they might have become over complicated. I think there’s something to be said for simple straightforward win/loss = rank up/down systems, rather than taking all of someone’s stats into account. My own multiplayer experiences have always felt best

Given their history I’m gonna guess their ‘nuance’ will amount to an exchange between an American and Iraqi that goes something like “We’re both fighting for what we believe in, really makes you think” and then they don’t mention it again.

Recently I saw some discussion regarding this noting how there’s two big problems that don’t get discussed a lot:

They are being held in December no? Just the voting is starting now. Weirdly, the cutoff for nominations is actually not until this Friday, which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me since they’ve apparently already selected everyone.

As someone who reached what you’re referring to just recently, (had to before my Game Pass free trial ran out lol) I now understand why that one developer said ahead of the game’s release that they felt the game doesn’t really start until 50 hours in or something to that effect. But while the result is interesting,

I think it’s less hate and more that Bethesda reeeeallly hyped this up for years as the next big thing that would have as big an impact on the scene as Skyrim did and it’s ultimately just, fine. So a lot of people are kind of like “this is what you’ve spent all this time talking up?”

Woah Robo Riders! (not raiders) That’s a deep cut for me, probably the only other “canister set” I ever bought besides Bionicle.

Wow I wouldn’t have thought they’d go with the live action angle after having established success with animation already. Though I suppose this was in the works well before that.

The thing about Epic’s strategy is it’s basically just applying the brick and mortar ‘get people in the door and try to catch their eye with an impulse buy’ tactic but applied to the digital space, but without consideration that customers don’t behave the same way in digital space as they do irl.

It’s interesting Isayama didn’t feel like he could deviate from what he wrote when he was young, I wonder how much of that was just a personal mandate. Generally, while having a plan for your story is important, you do want to allow for some flexibility if your character’s have just ended up going in a different

BFV toyed around with open single player levels. Been a long time but I remember liking them okay enough that I thought they could develop the concept further. (they didn’t) Wonder how they compare to this

It’s a balancing act but writing critical articles is not the same as writing puff pieces or legitimizing someone who would otherwise not draw an audience. There’s a bit of a misconception that simply discussing someone’s misdeeds is the same as platforming them, but that’s just not true. Someone like xQc already has

Nah, being a scumbag just makes you look like that

A bummer all around but out of all those I’m actually shocked RUSE still had support at all.