
It is also actually almost line for line an optional conversation that can occur in, appropriately enough, the chapter ‘Bill’s Town’

It’s really weird how that style of trailer making has taken over. It would be one thing if it accurately conveyed the tone/spirit of the media, but these days it feels like more than half of them are cutting up scenes that aren’t even remotely representative of the actual product. Just trying to contort them to fit

Well, not sure what I was expecting, but now I’m thinking of the old CGI Donkey Kong TV show.

Steam allows you to return a game if you’ve played less than 2 hours. And generally speaking provided it is not malware, copyright infringement or a scam, yeah they allow pretty much anything.

All his talk about people being “aggressive” towards him for “the wrong things” is just screaming ‘Sealion’ to me.

100%, same for the popularity of survival bunkers/equipment. For all the talk about safety they really just think they’d finally get to be petty tyrants.

Can’t not see this as having two little legs

I don’t mind swapping out FEDRA for the infected, but would prefer if she had still gone out shooting rather than the explosion, which is a bit of a cliche. As you said, there’s something about the brevity of her stand that made me respect her all the more in game. That said, an explosion or other suicide trap is

That would be fair if FEDRA was pursuing two smugglers, but while never explicitly stated, it was always pretty heavily implied that FEDRA was there not for them, but to wipe out the Fireflies, having noticed they were gathering in force, and were laying in wait to take out any remaining stragglers who showed up. They

Yeah I don’t know where anyone is asking players to not show emotion, pretty sure there’s plenty of ways to express your dismay or disappointment or even anger without resorting to physical violence.

Alright but you can’t include the picture but leave out the phrase “holy fucking bingle” which is now going to be in my vocabulary

Me: “Wish more original space opera projects got greenlit”

2v2 allows for some interesting moments for sure but even if it didn’t have it’s implementation issues I don’t think it was a good idea to begin with. I think part of why Warzone 1 was so popular was that a lot of it’s design found a way to keep the randomness of BR games that keeps things interesting while also

Somersaulting for 300 meters is what grabbed my attention more. Next you’ll tell me that bunny hopping works for real

He’s just a bigger fan of indefinite delay culture.

Definitely a bad move. As mentioned I think the fact that quests acted as a sort of catch up mechanic for absent players was a great decision that encouraged more play not less.

That’s the part that gets to me. Like yeah of course she is, but this is like saying “In a totally different situation things would be totally different.”

Lot of celebs seem to fall into this category, kind of makes me think it’s a class solidarity instinct or something kicking in.

Transphobia is a unifier on the right, for the most part, but its also pops up on the left as well.

You know when they first announced Scarlet/Violet’s release date I wondered if coming out so soon after Arceus was going to cause Pokemon burnout and hold down either game’s sales, but I guess you shouldn’t underestimate how much people love catching silly little guys.