
It’s really weird tbh, the internet loves to make fun of the PS5 having “no games” but Xbox seems in a much worse state on that front but no one really talks about it.

I think it’s way too late now for a Switch Pro, and I suspect that Nintendo is wary anyway after the mess of the New Nintendo 3DS that had what, one game take advantage of it’s extra power? Whatever is next will definitely be a new gen.

Reminds me of Lincoln’s speech where he correctly called out how the South’s claims that they just wanted to be left alone were total bs:

Based on all the impressions and reviews I’ve read so far, definitely feeling like a wait till on sale title for me. I get the sense I would never end up wanting to finish it if the story is as empty as they say.

Wait is Pandora just Bionicle?

Is it weird that the metallic purple fireplace is the most baffling thing about this to me? You’d think it’d be any of that other stuff but I keep coming back to the fireplace.. just why

But by that logic no copyright should exist at all since all works are inherently derivative. The line has to be drawn somewhere otherwise those with scale will always win.

Curtail? No, they’re pretty clear in their statement that their goal is that AI development must adhere to some form of ethics. Not that it must be halted. I don’t think anyone sees it as an inherently bad thing, but as with all new technologies, reckless usage cannot be allowed to cause harm just in the name of

Yeah exactly, and Disney was letting her various anti-vaxx comments slide for quite a while so it’s not like they weren’t giving her a ton of similar slack. But then she decided to start playing around the anti-semitic line and they had to pull the trigger.

I think the funniest part of that though is, even as a failure it would’ve made her a boatload of cash anyway. So if given the choice between one failure with a Disney check versus another failure with some couch change from Ben “I can’t believe that’s his real voice” Shapiro, she chose the latter so that she can..

Saw someone saying that his whole movie project is supposedly “making the movies Hollywood wont” but in reality is turning out to be “Movies Hollywood would make but with terrible actors”

Obligatory “imagining a guy, tricking themselves into believing they exist and then getting mad about it.

I would say it’s weird that he thought she would like it but then again we are talking about AI Waifu guy.

Likely irrelevant but kind of amusing(?) is that if you look at the order of videos on his page; he has one about his actual girlfriend hating his christmas gift (AI art generations trained on her drawings) and then the very next video is the start of this AI Waifu thing.

Not a league person but I will say the comment about it just seeming like an old map re-rendered in Unreal seems pretty spot on. Reminds me of all those “(Old game) in UE5" videos you see all over YouTube. Not bad per se but pretty amateurish feeling for a company known for it’s cinematics.

They want to cancel Skull and Bones so badly. That government contract seems like one of their biggest regrets.

I’ve seen a few people who played it (and stuck with it) on their channels, but they were definitely in the minority. Too bad because it’s quite good, but it definitely wasn’t marketed very heavily compared to the first one. Like I saw far more ads for Splatoon 3, a game that had already been out for a month, than I

Interesting, did not know it was meant to be an anniversary game, which would definitely explain a lot.

If this is truly about consumer choice, then the FTC has completely dropped the ball across multiple industries.

The FTC doesn’t care about market share though, their job is not to ensure everyone has an equal slice of the pie. If you dominate the market because you’re more popular and have more capital that’s just how it is. Their job is to ensure an industry doesn’t end up in a state where it’s impossible for competition to