
“Great work we organized our community to push our game to the top. Wait that community is organizing to push their game to the top, that’s not fair!”

Really my only question is does it feel at all like Burnout because if so I’m sold.

The hate crime stuff is certainly curious since, based on the trailer I’m assuming they’re talking about the prejudice that is implied against the people who have some sort of connection to the Summons. But if so I wonder what exactly is depicted to warrant a hate crime descriptor specifically, since the whole “the

Something I find interesting, and obviously others may disagree, but Charlie Day to me doesn’t really sound anything like I think Luigi would, but the energy he brings is so very Luigi that I love it anyway. Makes me think that Pratt could work if he has the right energy also, but I don’t feel it yet.

If Pratt’s performance is truly as bad as people are anticipating, do we really believe all these other established actors would willingly have their names singed to this movie?

Yes exactly. I thought Pratt was great in Lego Movie also, but if you look at his character, Emmet is basically the same role that Pratt always plays: The dorky, sometimes clueless Joe Everyman protagonist, just with the goofiness level adjusted up or down per role.

Or just some basic cleanser apparently?

Solo it definitely succeeds in creating a tension like you’re deep in enemy territory or something, being picky about encounters and having to get the heck out of there when the big guys start showing up. I ended up getting hung up on a contract for a lot longer than I expected and had to mad dash to an extract when I

I know they’re also super profitable but I’m not fully convinced Battle Passes are more profitable than Loot Boxes, and I can’t help but wonder if the more recent developer shifts to them where previously there were Loot Boxes (looking at Blizzard) is partially because they saw laws like this coming.

I sympathize with the guy. Handing off creative control for something you care about is pretty rough if you’re not ready. Sounds like he wanted more oversight but didn’t have the medium experience to be able to provide it. At least he realized it and pulled back from the brink.

This explains what I ran into last night. Rando I squadded with suddenly had tons of cash so I went over and saw them looking at the ground and cash just waterfalling out of where they were pointed. Thought they were cheating at first but eventually realized it had to be an exploit based on their behavior.

This has been how I’ve been getting out safely lately as a solo player. Usually it’s close enough that most player squads don’t have time to get to it. Of course the trade off is sometimes those hostage guards are armored as hell.

This is pretty much it. At the end of the day I’m just not seeing a point to paying $400-$650 for something that just plays the games I already can play. (Same reason I’m still not going for an OLED Switch)

Same experience here. I happened to be at a usually deserted Best Buy on release day. This store is on it’s last legs; barely stocked shelves, half the store seemingly perpetually roped off, but on that day there was a long line of people snaking through a couple aisles, all trying to pick up their copy from a huge

Kinda weird how many people are looking at the terrible results of Activision Blizzard and think merging them again into an even bigger consolidation will definitely fix it.

There is something amusing about the “Call of Duty isn’t special” argument being made against the backdrop of an absolutely gigantic marketing push for Warzone 2 and it’s massive streaming numbers at any time of day.

I’ve seen increasing recognition on social media, but still hope it gets the attention it deserves. Strangely it was only today that I first saw an actual commercial for it in the wild. Feels like Disney didn’t push it very hard after premiere, maybe that’ll change now that it’s all up for binge watchers.

Seems extreme, Balan Wonderland wasn’t that bad!

I get what these guys mean with all the dialogue talk, it’s well meaning and seems reasonable on the surface. But I think a problem they have, and the reason they get confused by pushback, is an unwillingness or inability to see that things have degraded substantially compared to even just 10 years ago. So

For someone who is honestly one of the best interviewers to pin down people spouting blatant lies and dishonesty, Stewart has way more faith in people than I would expect.